i never knew there was spin attacks in oblivion until like my first year into it. im like "wtf howd he do that spin attack?" but since im in first person i only see my sword do a slash, i dont
see my vision in a spinning motion, so the "run left and do a power attack" didnt look like you were doing a spin, it was just a slow slash, not a power attack.
and no more infinite guards. if you keep killing guards (and i mean like 25 or so) then guards are going to be reluctant to fight you and maybe even quit. no civilians are going to take up arms against someone that murders in plain sight for a living
if your a vampire and you go up to a vampire hunter they shouldnt say "no no stay away from me" they should try to cleave your brains out.
there should be a shamanistic/druistic class that can shapeshift (either a lesser or a greater power)
i personally wanted an
actual pet in oblivion,
ushnar's skinned hound wasnt MY pet, it was my shadow.
i want a burger king in oblivion, anything would be better than these dumb inns. they werent lively at all, no drunks or anything. and on that note if you get drunk your sight should get blurry, your heart would slow down, youd get dizzy, act erratic, and maybe even get alchohol poisoning.
this may seem like a dumb idea but id like to drink poisons and put potions on my blades. jk, but i would like to poison food, no point in joining the dark sithishood and wasting 400 for poisioned fruit.
more active bandits, they just sit in their camps all day never doing anything. and i never liked that moment when a khajiit bandit would appear and id have to kill it, ive never saved after ive killed a khajiit or an argonian. especially an argonian. couldnt live with it. if i did save after killing one it would slowly eat away at my mind until i delete the file (happened to me in the arena quesline, when i killed the khajiit my mind melted, then when it came time for the argonian prisoners my mind burst). in SI when nelrene murdered mazahdda or however you spell it i kept massacring her until the dutchess came out. then when i beat the questline, i was gonna reverse-pickpocket some damage fatigue gear on her, but then she wasnt there.
if you have enough bounty bounty hunters should start to come out, not just guards. no psychic guards either