TESV Ideas and Suggestions #133

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:00 pm

Just had an idea on how apparel should work, concerning different slots.

I vote for having a limit of up to 5 magic items; weapons and shields wouldnt count, neither would any magic items you hold but wouldnt wear (such as casting from a magic scroll).

I would also like to have set bonusses. If one wears all parts of an armor set, the set bonus activates. The whole set only counts as one item.

In return, I would want to have permanent and activateable effects on items - as many as you want.
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:44 am

I would be fine with full text.

If you really want to add voiceover, just do it like Baldurs Gate did back in the days - when you talk to a person, it talks some kind of greeting. After that, you only read text. Thats IMHO more than enough.

[...] Bethesda should develop a voice synthesyzer software similar to microsoft speech which can be adjusted to get unique voices and would cut down costs hugely. [...]

Err, I'm not even sure contemporary software is able to do that at all. Does Microsoft Speech even allow more than one voice ? Does it have anything that gets any close to natural pronounciation ?
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Mrs. Patton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:02 pm

I would be fine with full text.

If you really want to add voiceover, just do it like Baldurs Gate did back in the days - when you talk to a person, it talks some kind of greeting. After that, you only read text. Thats IMHO more than enough.

Err, I'm not even sure contemporary software is able to do that at all. Does Microsoft Speech even allow more than one voice ? Does it have anything that gets any close to natural pronounciation ?

I was using MS speech as an example and yes it does have many different voices. I was more thinking about developing a far more advanced software that would emulate human speech perfectly
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:41 am

Really? I agree with almost all the concepts in that post. I mean, text dialogue aside, the root of the complaint (I'm assuming) is that voice dialogue is so accursedly limited. People can't say your name, people can only have a scant handful of actual dialogue topics, people seem more like billboard cardboard-cutout voiceboxes with that small number of topics, etc, etc. Morrowind had 20 times the size of the dialogue system that Oblivion had. While I really appreciated Oblivion giving every NPC a unique line of dialogue, I value the overall scheme of things Morrowind's dialogue system represented: NPCs who actually could be asked about a huge variety of things; NPCs who actually had something to say about their world.

Play fallout 3. Seriously beth improved on the voice acting ALOT. There are WAY more voice actors and dialogue options that are actually unique to the person your talking to instead of having the same conversation over and over again. They also put the topics in forms of actualy sentences and questions instead of just one word like "Rumours" plus they put in skill based dialogue. :D F3 really gave me hope for the next TES.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:48 pm

FO3 did improve on the voice acting a lot, even if there were far less NPCs overall (also enemy level scaling was vastly improved). Going back to full text is obviously not going to happen. You can't give people a fully voiced game and then remove it in the sequel, every professional reviewer would bash the game for it. Heck, even Dragon Age is getting full voice work.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:16 pm

Play fallout 3. Seriously beth improved on the voice acting ALOT. There are WAY more voice actors and dialogue options that are actually unique to the person your talking to instead of having the same conversation over and over again. They also put the topics in forms of actualy sentences and questions instead of just one word like "Rumours" plus they put in skill based dialogue. :D F3 really gave me hope for the next TES.

Fallout 3 does give me a lot of hope for TES:V in a lot of aspects, and the more raw and real-sounding dialogue is one of those. But Fallout 3 has similar problems to make allowance for that dialogue overhaul. They have fewer NPCs, and a ton of NPCs that are non-interactive and just spout from a small pool of one-liners, like "Megaton settler."

Perhaps the solution, then, is to not spend exorbitant amounts of money on big-name voice-acting stars. Patrick Stewart, Sean Bean, and Terrance Stamp were all well and good (as was Liam Neeson), but how much money is that star-power diverting from a wider and larger dialogue system? Guys like Wes Johnson are just as skilled and ridiculously less expensive.

Though I disagree with the sentences versus topics layout. It was acceptable in FO3 because that was an old hangover from the FO series, but for TES, having my character speak in predetermined sentences is putting words in my mouth. Further, having a "Good," "Neutral," and "Evil" dialogue option for each decision choice is stepping further away from TES's moral ambiguity, as well as awkwardly typecasting my character by forcing him to respond in polar extremes. The topic system allows me to imagine how I might ask, and it allows me to avoid such good/neutral/evil typecasting. I greatly prefer it.

However, what they could do is, along with avoiding big-name spending, double their voice-acting budget (and get voice synthesizers to add small amounts of variety, thus avoiding everyone sounding the same, record at least one voice for every race and gender, and give everyone a collection of repetitive yet informative topics a la Morrowind, with different responses via region when appropriate. Then, also give everyone at least one unique line, and then take the more active NPCs and give them a lot more personalized options of dialogue. That'll be essentially the same system as FO3; important NPCs versus filler NPCs, but all the NPCs will get a lot more to say.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:38 am

Really? I agree with almost all the concepts in that post. I mean, text dialogue aside, the root of the complaint (I'm assuming) is that voice dialogue is so accursedly limited. People can't say your name, people can only have a scant handful of actual dialogue topics, people seem more like billboard cardboard-cutout voiceboxes with that small number of topics, etc, etc. Morrowind had 20 times the size of the dialogue system that Oblivion had. While I really appreciated Oblivion giving every NPC a unique line of dialogue, I value the overall scheme of things Morrowind's dialogue system represented: NPCs who actually could be asked about a huge variety of things; NPCs who actually had something to say about their world.

And what's wrong with getting rid of or seriously fixing Oblivion's scaling and leveling system? That's the one thing in Oblivion that is almost universally accepted as a flaw.

Also, what's wrong with making the wilderness between places more.. well... wild? I agree with him fully; I totally miss having to carry a backup weapon, to make my rounds to merchants before setting out from a city to purchase just-in-case scrolls or potions, to actually have to plan for a dangerous trip because the trip would actually be dangerous. Oblivion had no true challenge in its landscape, no areas that you just didn't trek into upon starting out. In never required you to plan ahead or worry about what might really happen out on the road. Those are epically serious detractors, in my eyes. It makes the world seem so much less real and believable if you can be expected to handle everything without much forethought outside the safety-zones that are cities and their immediate surroundings.

And while I don't want a return of the Morrowind's nonsensical swing-and-miss visuals, I do want a return of its dice-roll mechanics. Contrary to popular belief, Oblivion had dice-roll mechanics too. Those Combat AI packages that determine what an opponent does at a given moment operate on random number generation just as Morrowind does. The difference is that Oblivion's Combat AI packages don't rely on any skill/attribute/derived-attribute in the slightest to factor into the outcome. If we were to combine Morrowind's dice-roll mechanics as the behind-the-scenes gearworks, coupled with Oblivion's real-time AI packages to give the player a sensible visual appearance of what's going on with the dice-rolls, then we'd have damned near the perfect system. Skills that actually matter significantly, and combat that actually looks like combat.

Yeah, I'm actually an advocate for returning to text-dialogue, too. Just because I understand that it's

A: A HUGE undertaking to voiceact every single line in a game. Noble effort, and for the most of the part, it turned out very well in Oblivion.
B: As you pointed out, being able to do things in writing would make NPC dialogue a lot more interesting; you could, once again, figure out the tiny details about every persons' life, and ask them all about very specific topics.

Really, it's a lot more economical, I think, to revert to text. The only games I can think of that had full voice acting for every possible line of dialogue are Left 4 Dead, The half life series (both of which are actually FPS's and are extremely linear), Dungeon Siege (And in that game, it was linear, and you practically were unable to converse with any local inhabitants), and GTA (In which it's hard to actively and meaningfully converse with anyone, save for the, once again, highly linear main plot.)

Thus, it would be logical to opt for something like Morrowind, where passing by NPC's and such would generate voice-acted dialogue, but actual conversation is mute, and all text-based. Of course, that would not blend well with the whole "zoom in on face/medium close shot" thing that Oblivion was going for. In the case of socialization in TESV, I think it'd be fair to suggest that something similar to... Say, Twilight Princess is done, where the camera will uptake a dynamic, over-shoulder shot for the NPC; the NPC is shown to actively move and gestulate, realistically to the situation he's in, and dialogue shows up in the box below. Perhaps generic greetings can be used when initiating conversations (A la Neverwinter Nights), and for the utmost important details of the game (Definitely the main quest, and maybe even perhaps the main guild quests), full-voice acting can be utilized selectively.

Well thank you! I was hoping some people would see where Im coming from! :)

Well Im just hoping that one day, they will at least make one game a return to form (hopefully the next TES), with the option of mods for a massive community of true Classic RPG/Old School TES fans
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:45 am

...and get voice synthesizers to add small amounts of variety, thus avoiding everyone sounding the same...

This is actually pretty easy to do, i've done it dozens of time on my first go with Garageband (Mac OS X program) I'm pretty sure that with the right scripts Beth can do something quite similar
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:06 am

The one big "no-no" that was used in the OB voices was that the same line was read word-for-word by each voice actor for each race. That means, not only did every male Nord say exactly the same things in the same voice, but every Nord female, every Dunmer male, and every other NPC in the game said exactly the same line in exactly the same words, only with different voices. If you're recording the line with a different voice actor anyway, why not change the wording just a bit for variety? Bethesda not only limited the resources used to voice the dialog, they didn't really make optimal use of what they did commit to it.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:37 am

Its my first time im replaying about TESV:

1. I think in TESV betheda should make some kind of tax collector that collect every mounth maybe 10-30% of your total gold.
Like if you got a house then you should pay more.
You should also make more zones that you can purchase and make people want to buy more weapons and armor, etc.

2. I hate the idea of changing the spell and then press "C", you should put some hotkeys and organize it on the screen, like in World of Wacracft.

3. allow players to use EXTREMELY HIGH resolution with ATI Eyeinfinity 5xxx X 1-2xxx(im one of them).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:20 am

I would like to see a few things if TES V realy does finaly come out,
firstly where did the werewolves of morrowind go, i would like to see them back in the game. [with the twist that werewolves dont kill each other, in fact they should colaberate together to hunt as packs or whatever]

2nd; i saw somplace earlyer in this topic about player controled boats, that would be fun.

3rd; say you are exploring the wilderness and night falls, you are miles from the nearist town or tavern, so what do you do? "wait" until day break or would it be better and more "role play like" if you could setup your own camp and then clear it away again in the morning? all you would need for this is a backpack with a canvas and a sleeping cloth or whatever, and you could build your own tent with sticks, or if you wanted to go to town you could setup a semi "permer camp" where you would re-treat to at night?

4th npc's; ill cut this quite short as a know there are a WHOLE lot of people commenting on how to improve them for the next game. They need to react to your action in a more realistic
way, there needs to be a taunt action towards npc's, there needs to be more npc vs npc bar brawls ( i diddnt see any in the last game)
In the wildernes if you stumble across a bandit/traverler camp dependant on which you run into; for example if you ran into a camp and they invited you in and ask a lot of questions which ultimatley lead up to one of 2 outcomes fight to the death or joining in there group (usualy i would call it a guild but i dont want to get confused with things like the mages guild) by joining there group there would be no blood spilt and you can just leave and do your own thing with no hastle (but there would be a mark that other camps would identify you by and if they are part of the same group then they will allow you to pass but if you have one from a different group they would instantly try to kill you?

5th magic; you should be able to "polymorph" into animals/creatures using powerfull magic (in animal form you should at very least not get attacked by the same type of animal ).
More powerfull spells so when you eventually reach the maximum skill level your area of effect is 10-100 times that of the area of effect of a lvl1 spell and the animation should change for every single spell so that you dont get bored casting spells, the action for certain types of spells should require ingredients or special settings and arangment of objects (i.e the stars are alligned in a specific way each monthso that one night you are able to cast some of the most powerful spells in the game provided that you have the skill)

6th calandorised events (the alignent of date and time to create a phenomina / event like a volcano erupting or a parade in town or christmas in game)

7th Weather; in ablivion the weather effects were there but the after effects were rarther disapointing after a large down pouring of rain there should be flooding/puddles all over the place or after a couple of days of snow there should be a layer of snow on the ground (this would instantly inprove the game 110%)

8th combat; ort to be hitbox dependant rarther then chance (the hitbox must fit in the target and should have weekspots) blocking and dodging would become more fun if this was introduced

9th creature hotspots, places where you will find entire colonies of one type of creature would be a nice little toutch

10th air, yes that huge space above the map it needs filling with things that fly after all it would help with the fast travell problem in my opinion

11th new npc creature, i would like to see a dragon race, huge creatures that are next to impossible to kill, can fly, breath fire the works

finaly i would like to see the modders reasorce OBVIOUSLY XD
thats nearly it from me there are loads more trivial stuff that would be nice to see but i cba to list them all at 00:32 in the morning =[
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Reven Lord
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:46 am

I'm down with the uber creatures next to impossible to kill. At least that way you'd feel much more mortal when you're level 30 playing on easy, and you keep dying. It would put some control features on uber treasures/artifacts if it's so tough to deal with. And it would certainly add to the game in the sense that you're not quite "done" yet, or ready to retire - because there are several sprawling dungeons out there with nightmarish foes to tackle.
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:01 am

I'm down with the uber creatures next to impossible to kill. At least that way you'd feel much more mortal when you're level 30 playing on easy, and you keep dying. It would put some control features on uber treasures/artifacts if it's so tough to deal with. And it would certainly add to the game in the sense that you're not quite "done" yet, or ready to retire - because there are several sprawling dungeons out there with nightmarish foes to tackle.

Yeah it'd be cool to have actual unique bosses
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:59 am

However, what they could do is, along with avoiding big-name spending, double their voice-acting budget

That sounds like what Bethesda would do. I'm not against it either, I'm for it. They have the budget anyway. Even more money for making ESV than for making Fallout 3.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:04 am

I'd like to see:

Flying mounts
The ability to chop off body parts
The ability to have a family
The ability to lead almost an army
All of Tamriel
And maybe a plot involving Tosh Raka and the catlike people of Akavir invading Tamriel.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:06 am

  • Make first-person more immersive
  • Make magic more dynamic (chargeable spells, flamethrower spell, etc.

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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:20 pm

I was using MS speech as an example and yes it does have many different voices. I was more thinking about developing a far more advanced software that would emulate human speech perfectly

Err, dont you realize what Microsoft is ? If they cant do it, I can guarantee you a relatively small company like Bethesda stands no chance either. Plus if anyone would manage to do it, naturally they would sell it to game companies. The game companies wouldnt do it themselves. Just like they dont implement their own DirectX libraries.

FO3 did improve on the voice acting a lot, even if there were far less NPCs overall (also enemy level scaling was vastly improved). Going back to full text is obviously not going to happen. You can't give people a fully voiced game and then remove it in the sequel, every professional reviewer would bash the game for it. Heck, even Dragon Age is getting full voice work.

Just because everyone does something doesnt always mean its a good idea. In this case, I think its foolish. I always prefer text over spoken dialogue whenever I get a chance for the later, simply because I can read faster than the people speak, and when I only get spoken text, I often end up not understanding parts of it.

Its my first time im replaying about TESV:

1. I think in TESV betheda should make some kind of tax collector that collect every mounth maybe 10-30% of your total gold.
Like if you got a house then you should pay more.


I would love to see you try to implement such a tax in real life !

And you might be surprised to hear that, but people usually play games to enjoy them, not to get annoyed by them.

The ability to chop off body parts

Eww. This would be extremely bad. Very likely many countries would outlaw the game.

Make first-person more immersive

I dont think anyone has any idea what you wanted to say.
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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:12 pm

I'd like to see:

Flying mounts
The ability to chop off body parts
The ability to have a family
The ability to lead almost an army
All of Tamriel
And maybe a plot involving Tosh Raka and the catlike people of Akavir invading Tamriel.

The ability to chop off body parts? That would be AWESOME! But I have to agree with the above post, it would be outlawed in some countries, like Australia. But the rest I agree on, but for optional purposes. Also, I personally would rather have a transportation system than fast travel. The only game I liked it in was Daggerfall, because the map took 2 weeks to run across(literally).

TES 1 Arena was a must have for fast travel though, because if you ran outside the city walls, and kept on going, you were still in the same town. I once ran out for 45 minutes, found a random cave in the middle of nowhere on a small island with an odd looking door, went in, and a minute later, my game crashed.

But Morrowind didnt need a Fast Travel system, just transportation with boats and Silt Striders - which I prefer over Fast Travel.

Anyway, if they keep on going into Oblivions direction, I hope they at least have a ton of lore and a huge amount of random TES text, so we can decode them and read those.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:28 pm

11th new npc creature, i would like to see a dragon race, huge creatures that are next to impossible to kill, can fly, breath fire the works

No. No dragons, unless you CANT HARM THEM like if your blade goes through or something of that nature. If you do attempt to, your gonna die automaticly. Like hitting Sheogorath. Even if you do some consal command, you still cant touch them.
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:45 am

I dont think anyone has any idea what you wanted to say.

Of course they do. It's self-explanatory, really.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:47 pm

Yeah it'd be cool to have actual unique bosses

I'm cool with unique types, like the Udyfrykte, etc...
But if there's some powerful "lord" type creature of a typical species, bring it on!
I worry that too many unique-type species could ruin some of the atmosphere. I don't want to be left wondering where is the rest of his species?!?
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:27 am

Of course they do. It's self-explanatory, really.

Oh, yeah.

To do that, though, I think Nintendo will need to begin manufacturing Virtual Boys again. Either that, or TESV needs to come with 3D glasses.
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:06 pm

Just thought I would share this idea that came to me. It recently appeared to me that oblivion was the next time they are taking with their rpgs. Going on my gut feeling I would safely we won't see the return of quality games like Daggerfall and Morrowind. All they care about now is profits, they are scooping up old companies, producing easy and fast games like Oblivion and they always seem to have a legal issue with aleast one company.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:05 am

Not bashing OB here, but if the next game is well as poorly done, then I will either mod the hell out of it, and if that don't work, accept the fact that Bethesda doesn't care about quality, only making FPS-kitties happy... The next TES if its on the same track its going may as well be an FPS...
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Angel Torres
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:10 pm

I'd like to see:

Flying mounts
The ability to chop off body parts
The ability to have a family
The ability to lead almost an army
All of Tamriel
And maybe a plot involving Tosh Raka and the catlike people of Akavir invading Tamriel.

NO I don't want unnecessary violence such as decapitation or severing of limbs, sure I could revove said things via mods but it doesn't feel right to me it kind of "taints" the games.

I don't really want the ability to have a family it would be too hard to implement well and diverts time and resources away from more important issues.
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