I apologise for not reading both your linked posts, they are far too long for me to read at this time as I'm busy, but I agree with you. The feeling of being lost would really add to the effect of a large world. That's why I alwasy loved walking or riding bewteen towns and cities, but would it be possible? Would it not require such an advancment in gaming tech for this and would it be able to run on systems?
Oh it IS possible and it has been done:
Daggerfall -> biggest landscape YET, randomly generated but about twice the size of great britan -
released 1996Just Cause -> biggest full 3D landscape up to that point with 1025km? -
released 2006 (just shortly after Oblivion)FUEL -> biggest full 3D landscape YET with 14400km? -
released mid 2009They are not exactly good examples of detail but that is really a question of work put into it and NOT the game size itself.
I did mention in the other posts that they should create a rough game are, split it up in sectors, give each sector to a team and then let them design it. In the end they put them together, see which fit and which need to be adapted, smooth out the borders and make them flow over into each other and they have it. It DID work for the Unique Landscapes mod and look waht that tickled out of Oblivions boring landscape, and those where "just" modders.
PS: While the game worlds size does play a role in technology there are a lot of ways to make up for that now, there's better automated level of detail scaling now and, well, best click that UMBRA link in my signature if you don't know it already.
So it's not like the CPU would have to deal with the EVERY detail in the huge world constantly but actually intelligently know which parts need more and which less detail.