WARNING: Long post ahead:Inventory management and handling:While you could of course say “Inventory, your stuff goes in there” it can and should be done a bit more complex BUT the same time easier to handle (complex doesn't have to mean complicated you know

“Backpack”:The backpack is you general inventory, things you collect automatically go in there.
It's sorted similarly as it's in the previous games into weapons, clothing/armor, misc items etc. However there should be more sorting options like not just sorting object by name but also class.
The main part that should change is how the inventory is handled, time still pauses when you access your inventory, that way you don't need a save place to just sort your inventory.
However, when you take things out of your inventory it takes a few moments. Now, so people don't think that means you have to wait for every little action you perform in your inventory, I'll try to explain a bit better:
You can freely sort anything inside your inventory, no time passes and after you exit your inventory no time is needed afterwards.
However, when you take something out of your inventory the “taking it out” and “using it” takes a few moments. For example, going to your inventory and taking out a different piece of armor, it takes some time to pull it out, take off the old armor and put on the new one.
However it should NOT take “real time”, maybe just a few seconds for all action.
Those action can both be aborted and interrupted. When you get attacked while changing you can chose to abort, at the point the last FINISHED action is still valid, the one you where currently doing is stopped.
If you get interrupted the current action is automatically aborted.
However, instead of canceled, those actions could simply go into a “pause”, so after the situation cleared you could hit a key and finish what you where doing.
The order of execution would follow:A. The order you selected it and
B. The most “logical” order
So lets say you chose “bandage your left arm, drink a potion, put on new cuirass, put on a helmet, put on a new shirt” it will attempt to do it in that order but it will change it a bit
The order “bandage, potion” works, but it will change the order of the clothing around to make more sense, you will first put on the shirt, then the cuirass and then the helmet.
Also, when changing an article of clothing under armor, it of course has to take the old armor off first. And for many actions both of your hands need to be empty so your character will put his weapon away to change.
Some of course only need one hand empty like drinking something or just putting on a simple bandage. However those actions will often go faster if you have both hands free.
All in all this system would demand a little more strategy and preparation, you can't just put on a totally new armor in the heat of battle.
Also everything in there simply affects you by it's weight, your backpack doesn't hinder movements depending on how full it is and it doesn't make noise.
As another thing, you should be able to drop your backpack. In case you're heavily loaded or have to squeeze through a really tight spot you can simply drop it to get that needed extra bit of mobility or speed.
On body and Quick select inventories:Since you can't just pull something out of your backpack and instantly have it ready there's the “on body” inventory. This also doubles as your quick inventory, anything you have there does not require time to “grab” it.
It does however still take time to USE an object.
While the on body inventory is faster it also has a few disadvantages, after all everything you put in there is, as the name says, carried ON your body. It makes noises and can also hinder motions.
Instead of simply weight based it's more slot based.
-Clothing:For clothing this system would be somewhat related to how Dwarf Fortress handles it. Clothing would be classed as “under”, “over”, “armor” and “cover”:
“Under” would be articles like shirts, socks, short pants, light gloves etc., mainly light clothing.
“Over” is thicker clothing such as jackets, coats, thick pants, leather clothing, robes, shoes etc.
“Armor” is, as the name said, armoring clothes.
“Cover” is very wide clothing, like a poncho or a very wide jacket, you can wear over your armor.
In some cases you have to decide between “over” and “armor”, you can't wear leather gloves and armored gloves the same time, same with shoes and boots.
Chainmail is also a slight exception, you can wear it between “under” and “over” clothing, this would be handy for assassins who want to appear normal but have a bit of extra protection (Chainmail is not noisy as some may think).
-Weapons:You can hold several weapons ready on your body to draw quickly, you'd always have a few standard slots like on your hips and your back. Additional belts can give you more carrying slots.
You can also store some weapons like knifes and daggers in clothing like your shirt sleeve or your boots.
Small weapons can also be put in your belt and additional bags.
-Items:Of course you can also hold items ready on your body like potions or scrolls. Those would either be in a belt or a small bag.
Quick select menus:Your on body inventory also doubles as you quick select menus.
Those quick select menus are set up similarly to the “suit menu” in Crysis, you hold down a button and a selection of all items in that category appears. You should be able to chose which hand to use, of course some items need both hands but you can chose the “dominating” one.
In the quick select menus time is frozen as you just “think” about your choice, drawing the item takes a moment.
-Weapons:When holding down the “ready/put away weapon” it brings up the weapon choice, you can also chose if you want to pull your shield or not and if you want to leave one hand empty.
You can also chose your fighting style for unarmored combat.
Also all weapon on your body could be scrolled through using your mouse wheel, far better use to it than to zoom in and out I'd say.
-Magic:Here you can chose from a selection of readied spells.
-Items:Chose between all the other items you hold ready. You could also chose to use the item right away or just hold it.
Of course the quick keys would still be there but this system has the advantage that it's expandable, You can almost wear as many weapons ready on your body as you like and have a long like of spells prepared.
However quick key just means “quick select” not “have it instantly”, if a item you put on a quick key is in your backpack it still needs a second to take it out, or if it's a piece of clothing time to put it on.
Containers:Containers in the game should be changed, so far every container is static, even ones that don't really make sense to be fixed in place. Instead they should be mobile in some way as long as they are not fixed.
Also containers should be breakable, maybe not shattering but destroy the lock so the lid is lose. They shouldn't just be breakable by weapons but also by force, like throwing them down a cliff.
As in Oblivion containers should not have a weight limit but maybe a size limit, you can't put a full suit of armor into a bag you made of a handkerchief. Closets however could be unlimited, after all you DO need a place to store all your clutter.
Bags:You can make a bag out of any piece of cloth, depending on the size of the cloth the bag has a size limit (it should of course also be possible to sew cloth together to make a bigger bag).
A bag acts as a container meaning you can open it without taking it but you can also put it in your inventory, carry it around or put it on your body. At some size however a bag would be to big to put it in your inventory but you could still carry it or, if it gets really heavy, drag it around.
Small chests/boxes:You should be able to put small chests and boxes like jewelry boxes in your inventory as well if they are small enough to put away. That way you can snatch a jewelry box and crack it open later when it's safe.
Bigger containers:Containers that are too large to put into your inventory can still be carried or, if too big or too heavy, dragged and pushed around.
Clothing:Clothes could function as containers as well, you can put stuff in pockets or belts.
Creatures:While technically not containers it should be possible to at least put smaller creatures in your inventory or pick them up and carry/drag them somewhere (same as with big and small containers, you can only put smaller ones in your inventory but not bigger ones). Dissecting them might be easier to do while not out in the wild.
Saddle bags, carts and wagons:Your horse should be equipable with saddle bags for smaller items. A kart could be pulled by yourself or your horse.
Wagons are used by travel services, they're usually loaded with other peoples equipment already but you can pay to get some space too. Those are mostly good if you want to move to another place and need to transport a lot of goods or after you looted a place and got a lot of items.
Sub-inventories:A sub inventory is pretty much just a inventory within an inventory. For example, carrying a small box in your backpack, you can access the boxes “inventory”. This way you could sort some items easier by putting smaller containers inside a bigger one, instead of cluttering up they can be sorted in each container.
For example, put a small bag on your belt, that bag then contains several items that would possibly each take up a slot in your belt.
You should also be able to
“designate” a container to take in specific items when collecting them. This can be handled with a simple drop down like selecting a container to collect “Ingredients”, from there another to collect “plants”, “herbs” and even specific herbs.
Single drawers can function as a sub inventory too, so a chest of drawers with 6 drawers has 6 inventories. However you can access them all together too, this way you can search through the whole thing but also have separated ones for certain items.
Special inventories:Medikit:Stores all healing items, you can also put some potions and alcohols in it too.
Weapon sheath/quiver:Weapon sheaths should count as inventories too, of course special for the weapon they hold. However some could also hide a sidearm within the same sheath. Some special ones might also be made to hold more than one weapon.
Sword sheaths can also be adjusted a bit, regular ones would be made so they make as little noise as possible, just giving the sound of metal rubbing over leather. But you could adjust them TO make that SHHHHIIINNNGGGGGG noise, as a effect it sounds more threatening. City guards and guard captains might even have that as a standard to intimidate suspects.
Of course you can also hide small items in a sheath/quiver that's big enough.
Bottles/Water bag:Those of course only hold liquids, powders or very small items.
Key ring:The keys you collect should also go into a “key ring” so they don't fly around everywhere. Should also be possible to have more than one “key ring”.
Money bag:Simple, all your money automatically goes in there, you can however carry more than one money bag and also drop them, those would ONLY be able to hold money though.
Document holder:Every written note you find goes in there so they don't clutter in the inventory.
“Magic book”:Holds all notes about your learned spells of course but also all scrolls and potion recipes:
Map book:When getting a drawn/written a map it goes in there, your general maps are not a item though (they're more or less in your mind) but found or bought ones.
On a side note there should be a general inventory point for “Documents” instead of cluttering them with general items.
Sets:A set kinda functions as a “combination of items”, mainly clothes, armors and weapons. Everything you wear is a essentially a set. You can put together as many as you like, when creating one it's a sub container that behaves slot based like your body.
The good thing is that you don't have to sort through all your items every time you want to change outfit but instead just click the set and you change into it.
Sets can also be put down and deleted, when putting it down you can chose to remove all connected items as well, that makes it easy to put stuff on a display mannequin (described below).
When putting on or putting away a set the game checks for the items, if some are missing you get noted which are gone and can chose to put it on with the missing slot free or take over the missing slot with your currently worn item.
You can for example make several item belts for special needs or put ones together for your every day, adventuring or sneaking and change between them without looking though everything.
Display cases:Instead of weight they are slot and size based, they're similar to the “puzzle inventories” you see in some games. You can't put larger items into too small display cases but several smaller ones in a big one and you can't let items overlap.
Imagine a display case has 6 slots aligned like this:
* * *
* * *
You could put two “medium” length sword in there like this:
Or three daggers like this :
| | |
| | |
Or 6 smaller items:
o o o
o o o
Or of course mixed and turned any way you like:
o ___
However you won't get a sword in there that's longer than 4 slots. For that you'd need a bigger display case.
Also some items could only be kept in a “deep” display case, one with open lid or no lid, for example a statuette that doesn't fit.
Flower pots:Special for plants but you can also hide small things in them. The specialty is that plants can actually grow and regrow in them.
Fields:Same with the flower pots but bigger, everything growing on them can be harvested at once too. However this only works with fields you own or got permission to harvest and harvesting it takes some in game time (can be done by time skip).
Weapon racks:Weapon racks would be fully slot based, most weapons just take up one slot but bigger ones such as big axes can take up two slots.
They could also differ in design, some are vertical and some horizontal.
Wall hangers:A good example would be a “coat of arms”, depending on the design they'd have different slots. Purely classic they'd have one for up-left, up right, up and center.
One thing though, most would likely just have decorative weapons that aren't really harmful or are even permanently attached to each other.
Coat hangers:Pretty self explanatory, mainly used to hang coats but you can hang any belt item there too like a weapon sheath.
Some item can be abused as coat hangers too like hunting trophies with horns.
Mannequins:So you got a lot of fancy armor but have to hide it in a closet? Buy a display mannequin and put the armor on there. When clicked the mannequin acts like a normal inventory but you can of course only put one clothing/armor item or weapon into each slot just like on your body.
You could also pose them, there have been some nice mods on that so there is reference.
Tables:As odd as this sounds but tables could function as inventories too having predefined slots for items, of course mostly set up for tableware but you can also fix alchemy sets or other equipment on them.
A kind of this can also be stands like small pillars that have slots for a few small or one big item.
When placed in one slot a item takes more force to be knocked off it, it's partly fixed to the stand/table.
Sub inventories fixed to a position are also “bound” to the table, that means clicking the table also accesses all sub inventories.
Your house:Houses you own should have one special function too, you don't have to look though every single chest, box and drawer to find a specific item or search the carpet for the tiny ring you dropped. When you own the house you “know” where the items inside it are.
Possibly when clicking the front door you have the option “search through house” which gives you a list of all containers in the house (when clicking them their contents) and all items that just lay around. Also when missing a set item you get the “search house” option, when finding the missing item you can just get it or one of the same type automatically.
This function can also apply to store houses you rented.