1. Maps. I wish the map would update itself everytime you find something interesting. For example, If I pick up an ingrediant, a marker should show up on the map. Later, if I zoom in on that area, the Legend will specify all the things that were found in that area.
2. For console versions, (I am on PS3), I would like to see some of the PC mods incorporated in the console versions to simplify game play. I think it is normal to know how many stat increases I have had in a particular level so I can better manage my leveling (I am one of those efficient leveling types). Console versions force a user to use paper / pen which detracts from game play (and why I don't play anymore).
3. Need to re-think the idea of monsters leveling with player. In some cases, I can understand that all major routes would have bandits that level with the user. But some zones, like goblins, should stay easy (how can you have a cave with only shamans?!). Other zones should have a level 20+ rating (and the map would update when you read a sign indicating that you have crossed into such a zone).
4. Need a few fail-safe options for training. Somehow, I lost Vigge who is the only character who sells the weakness to magic spell. How can there be a single source for such an elementary spell?? I also lost the acrobatics advanced trainer. No clue how that happened but the green arrow points me to a spot and he just is not there. There is also a problem with the advanced restoration trainer who is not available if you do the Knights quest to early in the game. These kind of conflicts break up the smooth play of the game.
5. Need a mechanism to balance out the 100% protection in X. Either set a cap or start adding negative consequences for any protection beyond 50%.
My deal-breaker is (2). I will not buy a game that forces me to use pen/paper just so I can keep track of simple things. I want to be able to shut the game, return 2 weeks later, and everything I need to know to continue is readily available on the screen.