Since people have been crying out for some rational arguments against guns here they are.
1. (Just in case you didnt know) gunpowder is made from mixing sulphur, charcoal and potassium nitrate. I dont remember seeing sulphur or any nitrate in oblivion.
We don't see children either, so we must for the sake of your argument assume that people don't reproduce or they do reproduce and are born fully grown advlts.
2. The discovery of any explosive would have to be the result of expensive and time consuming experimentation which wouldnt seem to make any sense in the TES universe. I know that alchemy would probably be the result of experimenting with different mixtures and testing the resultant effect but these chamicals are not common or interesting enough to be experimented with.
Alchemy isn't a result of anything... That's like science is the result of someone discovering something. And of course, no one goes out of their way to try new things, experiment or are curious. I wonder how someone discovered that bread and rice can be combined to make a potion, those ingredients are totally boring and not interesting. And of course there aren't people in TES who do any kind of research or creatively try and solve problems.
3. IF someone did discover gunpowder, AND THEN decided to use it to make their arrows go boom, AND THEN managed not to get their hands and face blown off, they would realise that they needed something much more sturdy than a bamboo tube to project it from. They could make a metal tube but if they had the money/resources to do that they probably wouldnt bother because theyd know magic is a much better alternative for someone with the money to use it. I saw the idea of a bamboo tube mentioned but there is no bamboo in Tamriel.
Yup, metal tubes are totally expensive... :banghead: I guess I'll go buy an axe made out of silver, that must be a lot cheaper than an iron tube... I wonder why the first person to cast a fireball didn't give up when he got burned?
4. Im sure if they discovered gunpowder they could find a use for it in bomb like weapons or powering machinery but it would take a hell of a lot of development to make it safe, practical or even usefull. Especialy when they could just use magic

Daniel loves telling us that people just use the arguement of "they had magic so they dont need guns" ... so? Its a perfectly sencible arguement imo.
Totally. We should also get rid of bridges, stairs, horses, saddles, armor and weapons. They have magic that do all those things.
But the real reason we dont want guns is not logical or rational. Do you realy want to fight the final enemy in the MQ and he whips out a pistol?. Equaly would you want to be able to buy a gun at the weapon store?
Guns just wouldnt fit. Its irelivant wheather theyre balanced to not, they would kill the atmosphere.
If you want guns please just make a mod. I would hate to see the game ruined just for a stupid gimmick. But this whole arguement is pointless since there definatly wont be guns in TES V anyway.
That said, I don't want guns in the next game. But I'm not going to make up a bunch of bologna to justify my opinion, when the fact is guns wouldn't be that farfetched.
EDIT: And when I say "gun" I mean any projectile propelled by some explosion, like cannons, and black powder in general.