TESV Ideas and Suggestions #138,

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:35 pm

Add some tattoos to ALL parts of the body for great customization.
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:12 pm

Add some tattoos to ALL parts of the body for great customization.

+body hair and piercings.
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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:38 am

1,000,000 septims for a luxury mansion? for a king? a kings mansion would have to cost more than that...

and more movable static items. i always dislike my little shack because it is too small to fit my treasures, and moving some stuff would help ease the burden.

Most people only make 1-2 septims a week.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:10 am

1,000,000 septims for a luxury mansion? for a king? a kings mansion would have to cost more than that...

and more movable static items. i always dislike my little shack because it is too small to fit my treasures, and moving some stuff would help ease the burden.

I think "fit for a king" was a figure of speech anyway.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:50 pm

New Race
# Online Arena
# More Puzzles
# Fishing
# Dual-Wielding
# Hand-and-a-Half Weapons
# Improved H2H
# Better Leveling System
# New/More Powerful Spells
# More Guilds
# Traveling Merchants
# More People
# Bring Back Old Spell Effects
# "Big City" Feeling
# New Fighting "Techniques"
# New Transportation
# New Character Animations
Bigger Prisons/More Prisoners

There you go :hehe:
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:41 am

Naw. Then that will involve with forcing a background into the players. I will not be too please if I play an Argonian and found out my parent was an Orc. Its best for the player to come up with their own background story rather then the Dev tries to even give a little background to the PC and fail to create one that applies all players.

I rather liked the way Dragon Age handled it....several origin quests which provide just enough background to set a tone, but not so much as to inhibit RP backstories.
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:25 pm

Housing prices:
1,000 : Shack
5,000 : Small cabin
10,000 : Medium cabin/Small town house
25,000 : Average town house
60,000 : Large town house
100,000 : Shop/Luxury town house
300,000 : Large shop/Luxury town house
750,000 : Normal Mansion
1,000,000 : Luxury mansion fit for a king

Isn't that a little vague? What about castles? If you can drop a mil on a luxury mansion, you can save more for a nice keep. We shouldn't have access to this kind of money, anyway. If you use Morrowind for an example, some architecture lies outside of these descriptions, like Telvanni towers, and wizard-style towers in general. What if you're rping a vamp, and want some kind of cave or tomb? Can we buy ships?
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:41 am

-Cahracter Creation-

Interesting concept, though still skeptical. So if I choice not to make a history ingame (I prefer imagination), does it mean I get access to the advantage and disadvantage menu?

I rather liked the way Dragon Age handled it....several origin quests which provide just enough background to set a tone, but not so much as to inhibit RP backstories.

Ya mean like if I choice to be traveler, I could be in a ferry boat, an inn, or even a traveling caravan rather then be set on a basic of prisoner title to the PC that Beth love to place on the PC (I hate that concept so much). I fine with that, but as long they do not add "You are related to so and so and you are born here and there."
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michael danso
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:33 pm

Interesting concept, though still skeptical. So if I choice not to make a history ingame (I prefer imagination), does it mean I get access to the advantage and disadvantage menu?

Making your history pretty much has influence on all fields, however you can still edit every field manually as well, there's no problem in mixing both.
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:55 pm

Interesting concept, though still skeptical. So if I choice not to make a history ingame (I prefer imagination), does it mean I get access to the advantage and disadvantage menu?

Ya mean like if I choice to be traveler, I could be in a ferry boat, an inn, or even a traveling caravan rather then be set on a basic of prisoner title to the PC that Beth love to place on the PC (I hate that concept so much). I fine with that, but as long they do not add "You are related to so and so and you are born here and there."

Thats basicly what origins are.
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:49 am

Thats basicly what origins are.

Well I haven't play it, but not really too keen on having that kind of idea of having a family tie and location of where I was born place on the Dev's hands.
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:48 am

Well I haven't play it, but not really too keen on having that kind of idea of having a family tie and location of where I was born place on the Dev's hands.

Yeah dragon age is awesome but is very limited in role-play. ;)

I prefer the prison. :P
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:37 am

Isn't that a little vague? What about castles? If you can drop a mil on a luxury mansion, you can save more for a nice keep. We shouldn't have access to this kind of money, anyway. If you use Morrowind for an example, some architecture lies outside of these descriptions, like Telvanni towers, and wizard-style towers in general. What if you're rping a vamp, and want some kind of cave or tomb? Can we buy ships?

I'm just throwing some numbers out there. I'm sure in the next game 1 million septims might be obtainable if you spend enough time and depending on how the game is made we might even be able to make trade in Skooma and get rich or something to make the process easier. Though for things like caves if they make it so the creatures respawn this will be an issue but if not then you would go in as a vampire and do your thing and come out with your own home.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:32 am

Yeah dragon age is awesome but is very limited in role-play. ;)

I prefer the prison. :P

Naw. I prefer an intro something else other then being a prisoner. : P

Anyways, it would be great that the some weapon material (namely ebony and glass) can get back to their status of harming the supernatural (like ghosts) rather then relying on Silver or Daedric (And I am looking at this as a material-base, not enchanted).
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:11 pm

Naw. I prefer an intro something else other then being a prisoner. : P

Anyways, it would be great that the some weapon material (namely ebony and glass) can get back to their status of harming the supernatural (like ghosts) rather then relying on Silver or Daedric (And I am looking at this as a material-base, not enchanted).

What kind of intro would you like then? :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:19 pm

What kind of intro would you like then? :)

I know the questionw asnt towards me but I'll chime in here...

I would like an intro where I'm this [censored] Wizard from one of the spires in Morrowind that wreaked havok and mastered the art of magicka then I was defeated and stripped of all my powers and knowledge and now I'm in the future regaining it all.

edit: sortof how I ended Morrowind anyhow lol
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Cat Haines
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:33 pm

I know the questionw asnt towards me but I'll chime in here...

I would like an intro where I'm this [censored] Wizard from one of the spires in Morrowind that wreaked havok and mastered the art of magicka then I was defeated and stripped of all my powers and knowledge and now I'm in the future regaining it all.

edit: sortof how I ended Morrowind anyhow lol

That's an origins for only several classes.

We are trying to avoid that. :P
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:48 pm

What kind of intro would you like then? :)

If any intro that I would consider, its this: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11495

At least with this intro, anyone can create anyone of who they wanted to be. Same goes with traveling with a caravan to the first town or wash up on shore after a ferry ship is wreak and go to a near by town.
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:52 pm

I'm just throwing some numbers out there. I'm sure in the next game 1 million septims might be obtainable if you spend enough time and depending on how the game is made we might even be able to make trade in Skooma and get rich or something to make the process easier. Though for things like caves if they make it so the creatures respawn this will be an issue but if not then you would go in as a vampire and do your thing and come out with your own home.

It was rhetorical.
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Reven Lord
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:19 am

How about putting a mortgage on your castle. Like you pay half and then make regular payments say every week untill you pay it off.
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:11 pm

Personally I see no difference between creating your character directly and choosing reasons for the way your character is, which is essentially what having a backround on your char would be, or at least that's how I read danielkays post.
So either way, it really doesn't matter to me...
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:19 pm

I had a little thought about Argonians again.

Many said if the setting is Skyrim we shouldn't see that many around as they are "reptiles" and couldn't survive in the cold weather too well. Well there's a thought, how about in Skyrim there are other breeds, a bit sturdier than the ones living in the southern territories?
Plus, yea Argonains are reptiles but it could still very well be possible that they are warm blooded, after all the term cold blooded is old and grossly over simplified (reptiles CAN regulate their body temperature to a degree) and Argonians are actually descendants of humans (they became reptilian after generatiosn of contact with the Hist) so it's thinkable they ARE able to regulate their body temperature and survive in colder climates.

Also i don't really recall lore based claims that they ARE cold blooded (which, as i said, IS a very aged term) and even if, well, lets just say "Cyrodiil is actually Tropical".
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:15 am

I had a little thought about Argonians again.

Many said if the setting is Skyrim we shouldn't see that many around as they are "reptiles" and couldn't survive in the cold weather too well. Well there's a thought, how about in Skyrim there are other breeds, a bit sturdier than the ones living in the southern territories?
Plus, yea Argonains are reptiles but it could still very well be possible that they are warm blooded, after all the term cold blooded is old and grossly over simplified (reptiles CAN regulate their body temperature to a degree) and Argonians are actually descendants of humans (they became reptilian after generatiosn of contact with the Hist) so it's thinkable they ARE able to regulate their body temperature and survive in colder climates.

Also i don't really recall lore based claims that they ARE cold blooded (which, as i said, IS a very aged term) and even if, well, lets just say "Cyrodiil is actually Tropical".

Makes sense.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:54 pm

I forgot that the 'Hist' was one of the races on Nirn. Maybe you could have that as a choosable race? Pick Hist, how your tree should look, and then sit there and grow. Would make for interesting game play.... NOT. like watching paint dry.
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:23 pm


Many said if the setting is Skyrim we shouldn't see that many around as they are "reptiles" and couldn't survive in the cold weather too well.


Ehhh, people actually said that? But ya, Argonian are not 100% "reptiles", (nor the fact that the universe is a bit itchy on what kind of series are the races there as a whole). Beside, the female Argonians have mammary glands, after all. :P
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Mandy Muir
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