Nice looking 3D display. 23.6-inch, 16:9 display for USD$399 seems like a pretty good price.
Now, a game done right with 3D would be totally smashing. Unlikely to be TESV, but probably TESVI.
Edit: nice laptop also. As long as they keep the prices reasonable and have good
movies or games showcasing the best of the technology, i think its gonna be a hit.
(Can't wait to watch Clash of the Titans in 3D btw, i hope thats gonna be as good as Avatar lol)
I want big blockbusters to return. Spielberg is doing small futuristic crime flicks and family centric alien invasion movies. And nobody can get Paul Verhoven back after hollow man. James was absent for so long and Avatar was still not the big action packed movie I was waiting. (Avatar was outstanding though!) Die Hard 4 was not as I want it to be(3). Zemeckis is doing 3D animations. Ridley is doing history movies. Dramas, twists.. Enough already.
Now good news,
Ridley Scott is back, making an Alien movie. (prequel?) Awesome!
Darren Aronofsky is making a Robocop movie. What!? :drool:
James wants to do a movie with cyborgs in future, an anime based movie with avatar tech!
Spielberg can come back with big Sci-fi project. (Please, I saw interstellar project, I'm excited.)
Neil Blomkamp(District 9) can finally get the budgets to make a big blockbuster movie.(He has to watch Avatar a lot to correct that camera though.)
Zemeckis can quit and return to live action.(I mean after Avatar like live action...)
All(quite possibly) in glorious 3D.

And I suspect CoT to be the first of the new wave. (Sam Worthington, where were you before?(making hacky crocodile movies))
PS. Foundation is coming! Hobbit too.

:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
PPS. And future. Dark Tower. After that I can stop watching movies.(not exactly)
For human perception we need more visual information. And 3D is for boosting that. Being actually there vs. looking to a 2D screen, the difference is immersion.
Gore Verbinsky Bioshock
Sam Raimi Warcraft
^_^ I love movies.