» Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:36 am
So after a long period of gathering dust i decided to start playing this game again the other month only to encounter this terrible blight on the beauty of the game. Its frankly ruined it for me and for many others on here, from reading several posts. Here is the support i received from Bethesda technical help, which i should mention is a fantastic service run by some good people, but is frankly they are fighting a losing battle. from what i can gather, having followed all the steps, all the guidance to the letter, this bug has been caused by the latest patch and can only be fixed by the next. Whether that will happen though is another matter. So cheers to Bethesda for ruining this game for me and abandoning it, half working as always.
Anyway try some of these solutions, but don't hold your breath..
(start at bottom of email thread)
Response By Email (Joshua) (11/23/2014 06:57 PM)
Hello there, Martin~!
Thanks so much for getting back to us, I really appreciate though I'm sorry to hear that the texture issue continues to happen. I know that there were some texture issues at launch that were patched with an update, I would recommend ensuring that you've cleared the System cache while connected to the internet. That way, when you launch the game again, it should automatically fetch the latest update for the game.
Beyond that, I would try to start up a new game and then allow the game to progress until you've reached the Helgen Keep. Once you are there, the in-game menu should give you the ability to load into the save file that you've created. This should break any error in the scripting that could be causing this issue.
After that, please let me know if you continue to experience the issue, and I'll see if we have any other steps that we can take to try and make this little glitch go away for good. Take care my friend and have a great rest of your night~!
Warm Regards,
Agent Joshua
Tech. Support
Bethesda Softworks Team
Customer By CSS Email () (11/23/2014 04:55 PM)
Hi again, thanks again for your suggestions
I currently only have seven saves; one main one for each 4 of my playthroughs plus 3 autosave files.
The play-through I'm currently using which is the one i first encountered the problem with is fairly new so i only have a few keys.
I'm keen to get this problem sorted as i find it completely unplayable in this state.
On 23 November 2014 at 01:46, Bethesda Support wrote:
Response By Email (Matthew) (11/22/2014 08:46 PM)
Greetings Martin!
This is definitely a very odd issue going on! Out of curiosity, how many save files do you currently have? Having tons upon tons of save files can sometimes mess up the textures. Also be sure sure to keep an eye on your keys in your inventory. I know it might sound weird, but some keys have a bug where they duplicate in your inventory and could potentially leave you with hundreds of a single key! If the issue isn't with either of these, please contact us back so that we can continue to assist you!
Thank you for contacting us!
Customer Support
Bethesda Softworks
Customer By CSS Email () (11/22/2014 04:10 PM)
Hi Jake, thanks for the tips but unfortunately this has not fixed my problem. I have cleared both game cache and system cache, and while it looks better temporarily, as soon as i go into my inventory and come out again, the textures degrade.
Any other ideas? I'm sure I've only noticed this problem since the latest patch
On 21 November 2014 at 05:48, Bethesda Support wrote:
Response By Email (Jakob) (11/21/2014 12:48 AM)
Greetings, friend!
My name is Jake, and I have come to help assist with your Skyrim.

For some games on the Xbox 360, they have a built-in function to clear out a different cache that is specific to the game. Clearing the Game Cache on the Xbox 360 is a separate function from clearing the System Cache.
In order to do this, you must hold the LEFT Bumper, RIGHT Bumper, and the X button all at the same time on the Xbox 360 controller as a game is launching. Once you reach the Main Menu or Title Screen of the game, you can let go of the buttons. There will be no notification to you that this process has completed because it is all done passively.
* = Deleting the cache will remove temporary game files and updates. Saved games, profiles, DLC etc will NOT be removed.
Reply to this e-mail, and you will be routed directly to me for immediate assistance.
(No matter if the ticket is set to Solved or not!
- Jake
Bethesda Softworks Support Team
Customer By CSS Web () (11/19/2014 03:49 PM)
I am still playing Skyrim (xbox 360) and have so done with joy since its release. Its a game that has kept me coming back where many modern titles have left me uninspired. However i have recently been noticing many texture issues, particularly after some experimentation i have noticed this happens after going into the inventory menu. This was, im aware always an issue with the xbox 360 version but was under the impression it has been patched. this happens regardless of whether i play off the disk or install it. I have tried playing with data on the memory unit and tried it with data off a memory stick all with the same results.
Im tired of having to search endless forums for a solution and look at the appalling texture issues on a game which should be watertight by now. I paid money for this game and want re-playability but its sadly no longer bearable.
please could you give me a definitive answer or solution to this problem and put me out of my misery