1. The Pathing for the texture in the Nif is simply poppy01.dds -- you need to change it to Textures\poppy01.dds (or whatever the actual path to the texture is if using sub folders)
That's ok, my Nifskope is set up to look for textures on Desktop also.
2. The poppy01.dds and the normal map are incorrect size (Oblivion requires power of 2 textures so 1280x1024 will not work properly - resizing it to 1024x1024 would probably be the easiest fix ) -- Nifskope will work with non power of 2 textures but Oblivion usually does not ! ( I say usually because if you edit the INI file you can allow non power of 2 textures but it can cause problems so best to get used to using them !!)
Oh, maybe that could be? But I have only tried it in Nifskope and the texture wasn't showing. I tried other textures and they worked. So probably texture is the problem?
3. You have the poppy01.dds saved i DXT5 format which doubles the size of your texture for no reason ( Unless using transparency - since it saves a full 8 bit alpha channel that you are not using at all so better to save it in DXT1 format instead to save memory usage)
Ok! DXT1 it will be.
4. the Poppy01_n.dds texture also has just a pure white alpha channel so your item will be very shiny looking in game (the alpha channel of the normal map controls light reflectivity and white is full bright so the item will be very shiny - most people will copy\paste a greyscale copy of the model into the alpha channel to make a less reflective model - and even that usually needs some darkening )
Oh, I thought I had a full black alpha... :unsure:
Those things should fix you up but if not PM me and I'll take a closer look
Thanks. I'll try to save texture as dxt1 and change the image size.