And if you really are trying to quote me you seem to have misinterpreted alot of what I actually meant. I'm saying the problems with the textures are easy to ignore and because of this, there is no need to moan about it anyways and should rather request a mod instead of moaning and moaning.
I perfectly understand your point, and my answer is :
1) No it's not easy to ignore (that's quite why I said that they are particularly egregious, something ugly that jump in your face in the middle of something beautiful is not easy to ignore).
2) WHY should people ignore blatants and rather inexcusable flaws ? So far the only reason I've been led to see about this answer is "because fan-boys don't like 'their' game being criticized", which is hardly a good reason.
(note : when I say "inexcusables", it's not because of the "gravity" of the flaw, it's because it was impossible to miss and easy to fix ; I can't and won't blame Bethesda for letting pass a minor bug that is easy to miss, but I sure will blame them about not even bothering to put their high-res texture in the PC release, or to not have corrected the blatant clash between good textures and ugly ones)
But yes I guess if you dumb it down to pure feelings; "THE PROBLEM IS SMALL BUT I WHINE ABOUT IT BECAUSE I DIDNT GET WHAT I WANTED BUT WHINING DOESNT HELP AT ALL ANYWAYS" so yeah, I guess you could say people who whine about poor textures in this game are overcritical to say the LEAST.
Or people claiming they are "whining" and "moaning" and the like are acting like kids and overly generous with a very glaring flaw ?