I just got a stable game together last weekend (thanks to everybody who stopped in to help me with that), which means it's time for two things: (1) Tampering with my load list again and (2) making my first mod!
I'm starting out with something relatively small and simple, but (in my opinion) much needed: a Khajiit retexture. I've checked out a couple of tutorials/introductions on texturing, but I have a few questions that were not answered there. If you'd help me I'd appreciate it and, well, I'll get the new textures finished faster.

Some brief technical details before I get into the questions: I am editing textures using Photoshop Elements and the Nvidia plugin that lets you open/save as dds format files. My operating system (for modding) is Windows XP, but it's physically on a MacBook Pro; hence I am working with a Mac keyboard that has no 'print screen' key.
- How can I take screenshots in game? Bear in mind that I have no 'print screen' key.
- How do I see and edit alpha channels in Photoshop?
- I found the head, body, limb, teeth and ear textures when I unpacked the Oblivion texture bsa, but no age textures, and no tongue or mouth. Are Khajiits assigned a tongue and mouth texture that is in some other folder? Do they have no assigned age textures?
- I couldn't find what looked like 'makeup' textures in any of the character texture folders. Where are the textures that are controlled by all the "Lips pale red/dark blue"-type sliders in the character generation screen? How do they work? Are Khajiits assigned their own unique makeup textures? Can they safely be messed with or are there special related issues?
- Do textures and normal maps need to be the same size/resolution? For quality reasons they obviously should be, but is my game going to break if they are not? Will they still display properly if they are not?
- As I understand it, the use of mipmaps means that hi-res textures are only loaded into your graphical memory if you are quite close to hi-res-textured objects. If so, why would the use of hi-res textures have an impact on FPS? It seems that only one or two objects could be all that close to the camera in a given frame.
If there are good tutorials that cover this sort of information, point me to 'em and I'll happily read them through.
Thanks all,