» Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:51 pm
Very cool flag, I like it and think it represents the Thalmor quite well with its symbolism.
Better than a six-pointed star. In Qabballah the Magen David represents the Universe at its points north, south, east, west, up and down with the triangle pointing down being humanity on earth and the traingle up G-d's presence in the physical universe(Shechinah). They overlap because of the Covenant. The hole in the middle is the Eyn Sof, the truly unknowable G-d where all originates from.
I'm just not connecting that with the Thalmor unless you look at how other cultures have used the symbol but I cannot say I know much about them except for Hinduism which was given earlier.
The stylized eagle is much better for them although I immediately think of a phoenix. Probably because of it rising from its ashes...
Also, getting so tired of "nazi-elves" being mentioned...