The empire From what I can tell they have a more liberalism point of view favoring diplomacy or war. The original empire died with Martin Septim. They have played important roles in history and was created by Talos ( historical version of modern day Ulfric Stormcloak (check out the simalirities) ).They were decimated by the war with the Dominion and left weakened even more so by the now inevitable independent Skyirm.
The An-xileel. They are a political party that does not manipulate history. They not only held off the invading Deadra in the Oblivion crisis but actually invaded Oblivion itself. With help from the hist recalling every Argonian to black marsh. The An-Xileel was the reason why Black March separated from the Empire but also they rallied the Argonians enough so that they could defeated the Deadra. They conquered (for the most) part Morrowind but have flown underneath the radar on current events and most people do not know who they are.
The An-Xileel as I see it are the most long term threat. No one has ever won a war with the Argonians and it is next to impossible due to the rough terrain of Black March. They have conquered Morrowind and have sent the Dunmer crying all the way to Solsteim. I fear that the Empire and The Thalmor will exaust Tamriels defenses enough for the An-Xileel to march across Tamriel without much of a fight.
The Thalmor The Empire and The An-Xileel along with Hammerfel is probably how I would like . 4 great empires battling it out here and there.
So what do you think is the best hope for Tamriel
Empire , Thalmor , or An-Xileel?