I remember my older brother going on a walk to Stapes with my parents on a cold winter day here in Vancouver. Of course I decided not to go because I was lazy and I wanted to play Age of Mythology, one of my favorite games. My brother came back with two PC games, a FPS/TPS WWI game called "Iron Storm" and, of course, the Morrowind GOTY edition. Iron Storm looked cool but Morrowind looked amazing. I actually thought that Morrowind, Bloodmoon and Tribunal were completely different games at first and was not corrected until years later. I believe that it was Iron Storm I played first, interesting story, I never made it past the first level even though I must have played it about 50 times.
I remember first playing Morrowind about a week or so after my bother came back with it. He did not like it. He did not know how to play it though. I on the other-hand, being the little 7 year old self that I was, was killed by that first little Kwama Forger you meet right down the road from Seyda Neen. I always got killed by that guy. I did not know about taking everything off the tables in the Census Offices. I did not even know about the inventory. I had never played a game like Morrowind. I hated it. It seemed pointless and I was made uncomfortable by the way at asked what "six" do you want to be instead of "gender."
Years later, when I was about 9, I found my cousin playing it on my computer when he came to visit. He had awesome armor on and awesome weapons. He killed a Hlaalu guard to get the stuff and did it without being reported. The game suddenly looked awesome to me. The giant mushrooms, Dwemer ruins, Daedric shrines all that jazz was just amazing. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. My cousin taught me how to play and I learned quickly because he taught me cheats. I did not play for the quests or lore, no sir. I played to run super fast and kill everyone in the game world with one hit and freeing slaves. I must have made about 20 characters named "God of Death". I loved it. It was great. When I heard about TES IV in a PC gamer magazine at Stapes I freaked out. I could not wait. It was great.
Strangely enough, when I played Oblivion I played it properly. I did the main quest and side quests but most importantly I did not kill people. With Oblivion I had a sense of morality that I now carry with me into Morrowind. Oblivion was great. Oblivion was my favorite game ever. I had it for the PC. The problem with the PC version was that I could use cheats. I got addicted to using cheats (movetoqt) so I never had an honest character. I always made my strength really high and my speed full.
The best move I ever made with the series was switching to the Xbox 360. Sure I loved the Oblivion mods but damn the game is so much more awesome without cheats. Oblivion finally felt like a second life instead of a game. Oblivion was my favorite game and is now tied in first place with Morrowind after I have played it without cheats.
I have recently played Daggerfall and Arena which I love very much. They are not up there with my favourite games but they are great. Arena has the best atmosphere of any game I have ever played. THere is something about that game that is soooo awesome. Magickal is the word I think.
I am glad that I can put myself into the same category as Seti18. I'm not an Oblivion fan or a Morrowind fan. I am an Elder Scrolls fan.
None of this will matter soon, though, because The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the best game in the universe. <-(get it?)

Nah I'm just kidding. The next installment in the TES series will be my favourite. I am sure. I have no doubt.