Thank you Crytek, best PC game to date

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:56 pm

Some people don't understand why this game is sub-par because they either don't have the technical know how of how games are made, or don't have enough experience PC gaming.

By pure technical standards, the game simply isn't an achievement. It's a very generic shooter.

So if folks don't agree with you, they are ignorant. Now that is an stupendously ignorant assertion.

I don't know how and when did Crysis become the wonder that everyone claim it to be. Probably I need to play the modded version to see this wonder but, that wouldn't make sense for its giving credit to Crytek for something they didn't do.

No it isn't. He said the game doesn't achieve anything by present standards. He said it's a very generic shooter. He didn't say you are ignorant if you like it as it is. But you are, if you think your opinion measures the standards, rather than other games that have actually set the standards he is speaking of.

Crysis has a unique, working gameplay experience and technical excellence. If you can't see that then fine, but it did set standards back then.

Edit: Well I agree C2 doesn't achieve much, but not being sub-par as in below average game. SP maybe, MP no.

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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:12 pm

My rating of Crysis goes like this:

Crysis>Crysis 2>Crysis Warhead

Metacritic agrees with me
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:16 pm

So praising the game is trolling while bashing it below hell is fine? What is wrong with PC gamers nowadays :/

I know how you feel man. The PC community has turned to utter **** lately. At least there's still A FEW number of more logical and non-ignorant PC gamers....I consider myself as one of them, and same goes for you, and etc.

@ OP:

I agree 100%
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Lewis Morel
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:57 pm

the sound quality actually is not that good. I bought the Crysis 2 sound track from crysis 2 on itunes and it is 256bit. I also compared using a painr of Klipsch Image one headphones. The music quality especially in the game is not as good as the itunes music itself. the effects sound okay but they still lack quality.

Crysis 2 music is the only game music that I've played 24/7 in-game since Final fantasy VIII. It's just that epic.
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:43 pm

the sound quality actually is not that good. I bought the Crysis 2 sound track from crysis 2 on itunes and it is 256bit. I also compared using a painr of Klipsch Image one headphones. The music quality especially in the game is not as good as the itunes music itself. the effects sound okay but they still lack quality.

Crysis 2 music is the only game music that I've played 24/7 in-game since Final fantasy VIII. It's just that epic.

i could not agree with you more on the epic sound track. also look for the God of War III and Killzone 2 sound track. The killzone one is like an orchestra in a construction site EPIC. I would also recommend Halo 1 sound track but it is not quite as epic as the ones i have mentioned.
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louise hamilton
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:44 pm

the sound quality actually is not that good. I bought the Crysis 2 sound track from crysis 2 on itunes and it is 256bit. I also compared using a painr of Klipsch Image one headphones. The music quality especially in the game is not as good as the itunes music itself. the effects sound okay but they still lack quality.

Crysis 2 music is the only game music that I've played 24/7 in-game since Final fantasy VIII. It's just that epic.

i could not agree with you more on the epic sound track. also look for the God of War III and Killzone 2 sound track. The killzone one is like an orchestra in a construction site EPIC. I would also recommend Halo 1 sound track but it is not quite as epic as the ones i have mentioned.

I'll take your word and give those a download! Thanks for the heads up. I haven't played playstation in a while so I never touched Killzone. Halo 1 would probably bring back some memories. lol
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:08 am

Crysis 2 is good, just not the standard we're used to is all :)
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:23 pm

So praising the game is trolling while bashing it below hell is fine? What is wrong with PC gamers nowadays :/

Some people don't understand why this game is sub-par because they either don't have the technical know how of how games are made, or don't have enough experience PC gaming.

By pure technical standards, the game simply isn't an achievement. It's a very generic shooter.

If you consider just the issues with MP, its fails at even being a generic shooter. Even mw2 seeemed better than this
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Donald Richards
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:39 pm

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meghan lock
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:45 pm

CELL AI is buggy
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Undisclosed Desires
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:08 am

Graphic in last crysis is ****. first crysis has better graphic than crysis 2

Just because they aren't as good as the first Crysis doesn't mean anything. The first Crysis is still the best looking game ever made. Crysis 2 is still in the top 10 best looking games I've seen AND it's multiplatform, which is an INCREDIBLE feat.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:19 pm

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carrie roche
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:24 pm

Does anyone notice this topic start from justinbieber? lol
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kat no x
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:14 pm

Graphic in last crysis is ****. first crysis has better graphic than crysis 2

ahhm, no. C2 release: 2011. C1 release: 2007.
While some graphics features are more sophisticated in C1, C2 still looks better.

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Kim Kay
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:18 pm

I'll take your word and give those a download! Thanks for the heads up. I haven't played playstation in a while so I never touched Killzone. Halo 1 would probably bring back some memories. lol

Acecombat, Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Solid have insane soundtracks, should give those a look too. Halo 3 ODST is very good also.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:43 am

So praising the game is trolling while bashing it below hell is fine? What is wrong with PC gamers nowadays :/

Some people don't understand why this game is sub-par because they either don't have the technical know how of how games are made, or don't have enough experience PC gaming.

By pure technical standards, the game simply isn't an achievement. It's a very generic shooter.
Even if this were true and not just some blanket statement supporting an opinion... It would have nothing to do with why it's bad to praise this game. Some people enjoy the game and some people don't. That's the only thing being misunderstood here. There's nothing that your (small) mind could say that would change someone's enjoyment. If they enjoy it and you don't, don't go out of your way to spite them. It doesn't display your technical prowess, it displays how pathetic you are. Use your time more wisely.
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:58 am

This game is excellent. Thanks crytek. Haters keep hating but no one was forced at gunpoint to buy it.
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A Dardzz
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:13 pm

So praising the game is trolling while bashing it below hell is fine? What is wrong with PC gamers nowadays :/

I know how you feel man. The PC community has turned to utter **** lately. At least there's still A FEW number of more logical and non-ignorant PC gamers....I consider myself as one of them, and same goes for you, and etc.

@ OP:

I agree 100%

The PC community has turned to utter **** lately? That’s funny. How long have you been playing games on the PC? I wonder because if you play longer as 8 years you would know that since the last +-8 year games tend to become worse. A big reason for this is the consoles and companies (trying) to look at how to get as much people as possible in stead of just trying to make a great game. The idea sounds logical for a company because making money is there goal however they will also sell good if they just try to make the best game. Besides that every company needs some high-end product to set a name. For game-companies that can (should) be the PC-version but most companies don't understand that.

I will give some examples of changes (for the bad).
Games became shorter. Go back in the time. Games like Doom would give you days of playtime. (days counting the hours of playtime, that means weeks or months before ending the game) The same you can see in for example Tomb Raider (1). Another good comparison is Mafia 1 vs Mafia 2 where Mafia 1 is way longer.

More buggy but less patches. The older games had less bugs when being released most games these days tend to have massive bugs on release. Besides that most games got way more updates and longer support then the newer games. Basically the older games got updates until they where bug-free and had some additional features. New games lose support while some bugs are still in there.

DRM, old games only had the disc-required DRM. Maybe not great but it gave nobody problems, now the DRM gives a lot of problems and why companies use it?? I still don't know since all games have been cracked anyway.

DLC, games now have DLC where you pay for some extra features. WTF is this? The older games got additional levels and so on for free. Some of the patches just added those extra features where you now have to pay for, in other cases you could download these additions for free. Sometimes whole games base on a original where released for free. (See Wolfenstein Enemy Territory based on Retrun to castle wolfenstein that also got some free MP-levels in some patches) Of course you could buy expansions but those also give you way more then most DLC from what we see now. The DLC from now gives you exactly the same as the free upgrades / patches PC-games would first get for free. Supporting the community.

Games are made way easier. Somehow most games became easier. Probably because people don't want to die anymore. In a lot of games you also don't really die or they do not work with ammo packs anymore. And when they do there are always plenty. Also on the hardest mode I haven’t had any new game where I had to be careful with my ammo. And getting 'stuck' in a game is also near impossible anymore.

Manual saving games, More and more games don't give the option to save anymore. Only checkpoints.

The feel of the game is getting worse. This is hard to explain but you most games just don't play nice. No maps or they way you scroll in maps. The mouse does not react like it should.

The games become more expensive. Now games sell for 50 euro while they would first be something like +-25 euro (also looking at inflation. Games cost less as 25 euro but whats now 25 euro would back then by you a game).

Even the design of the packaging. Remember the old packaging?
Maybe it was a little big but also very nice. Now a lot of games only have some minor manual (if they even have that) and that’s it.

Now if you see all these things getting worse and worse then PC-gamers indeed complain. Why don't console-games complain. Well because the consoles are getting more and more PC's (and so better). Examples, Consoles now have MP, they can download and save stuff, in some games they can now even manually save and consoles have become cheaper because they pay when buying the games. (I personally see this as a negative but a lot of people see this as a pro)
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kirsty williams
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:16 pm

It was a good game but not the best game.
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:35 am

I tend to ignore all threads QQing over Crysis 2, the game is awesome.

I mainly purchased it for the MP due to how it stood out above the rest of the FPS genre with fast placed gameplay :)
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:41 am

I also agree that this game is one of the best fps'.
I don't care about Dx11....
There are a few bugs that annoy me, but besides that it's AWESOME!!!
I play on multiplayer a lot, and it's just PERFECT, so anyone who is crying about stuff is a grade A @55|-|0LE !
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emily grieve
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:20 am

We need to realize that the graphics that we're seeing are on DirectX 9. Imagine the future wherein the consoles will come out for DirectX 12. Just what Crytek will manage to do by that time is gonna be something worth watching out for. As of now, I believe the game is at least a graphical achievement considering that the graphics is on DirectX 9 !!!
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:23 pm

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carrie roche
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:57 am

So praising the game is trolling while bashing it below hell is fine? What is wrong with PC gamers nowadays :/

@ OP:

I agree 100%

The PC community has turned to utter **** lately? That’s funny. How long have you been playing games on the PC? I wonder because if you play longer as 8 years you would know that since the last +-8 year games tend to become worse. A big reason for this is the consoles and companies (trying) to look at how to get as much people as possible in stead of just trying to make a great game. The idea sounds logical for a company because making money is there goal however they will also sell good if they just try to make the best game. Besides that every company needs some high-end product to set a name. For game-companies that can (should) be the PC-version but most companies don't understand that.

I will give some examples of changes (for the bad).
Games became shorter. Go back in the time. Games like Doom would give you days of playtime. (days counting the hours of playtime, that means weeks or months before ending the game) The same you can see in for example Tomb Raider (1). Another good comparison is Mafia 1 vs Mafia 2 where Mafia 1 is way longer.

More buggy but less patches. The older games had less bugs when being released most games these days tend to have massive bugs on release. Besides that most games got way more updates and longer support then the newer games. Basically the older games got updates until they where bug-free and had some additional features. New games lose support while some bugs are still in there.

DRM, old games only had the disc-required DRM. Maybe not great but it gave nobody problems, now the DRM gives a lot of problems and why companies use it?? I still don't know since all games have been cracked anyway.

DLC, games now have DLC where you pay for some extra features. WTF is this? The older games got additional levels and so on for free. Some of the patches just added those extra features where you now have to pay for, in other cases you could download these additions for free. Sometimes whole games base on a original where released for free. (See Wolfenstein Enemy Territory based on Retrun to castle wolfenstein that also got some free MP-levels in some patches) Of course you could buy expansions but those also give you way more then most DLC from what we see now. The DLC from now gives you exactly the same as the free upgrades / patches PC-games would first get for free. Supporting the community.

Games are made way easier. Somehow most games became easier. Probably because people don't want to die anymore. In a lot of games you also don't really die or they do not work with ammo packs anymore. And when they do there are always plenty. Also on the hardest mode I haven’t had any new game where I had to be careful with my ammo. And getting 'stuck' in a game is also near impossible anymore.

Manual saving games, More and more games don't give the option to save anymore. Only checkpoints.

The feel of the game is getting worse. This is hard to explain but you most games just don't play nice. No maps or they way you scroll in maps. The mouse does not react like it should.

The games become more expensive. Now games sell for 50 euro while they would first be something like +-25 euro (also looking at inflation. Games cost less as 25 euro but whats now 25 euro would back then by you a game).

Even the design of the packaging. Remember the old packaging?
Maybe it was a little big but also very nice. Now a lot of games only have some minor manual (if they even have that) and that’s it.

Now if you see all these things getting worse and worse then PC-gamers indeed complain. Why don't console-games complain. Well because the consoles are getting more and more PC's (and so better). Examples, Consoles now have MP, they can download and save stuff, in some games they can now even manually save and consoles have become cheaper because they pay when buying the games. (I personally see this as a negative but a lot of people see this as a pro)

first of all i want to say that i totally agree since I've been playing PC games since 1995. And, as far as games getting worse, really the same goes for consoles as well with the exception of a few titles.

on the other hand 8-10 years ago the American dollar was worth more,(i don't know about Europe) so they could put more time into a game and still be able to pay their employees. Also there wasn't as much pirating going on so you know..

Also back then MP wasn't as important as the SP. if you remember doom and quake MP levels were horrible. just a room with guns laying around and a swarm of people shooting each other. Back then it was EPIC but now its nothing. all the time was spent on the campaign and that's why it would take you days finish it.

Now everything is all about MP. So now these companies are aiming more towards online play and you cant tell me that you can unlock everything in MP in a couple of days! Hell I've played games for months and not unlocked everything. (I don't claim to be the best and i have a full time job too so...) to me if i can play a game online for months and still not be at the highest rank with all weapons and attachments then its definitely worth a lot more than any game from the 90's all the way up until UT first came out.

Also you said "A big reason for this is the consoles and companies (trying) to look at how to get as much people as possible in stead of just trying to make a great game." I don't agree. PC games were the first to have an online option to play with all your friends. That is what started the PC vs console war. back then PC was better cause you could go online. Well that was great until consoles added that option. Now because consoles are so much cheaper than gaming PC's there are way and i mean WAY more console gamers than PC so now companies are forced to supply to the most demanded. Since consoles now offer online gaming theres no way any company would be stupid enough not to give them what they want. So I believe that MP killed the SP and PC made the MP first so if you don't like the SP in these new games then, well PC started that trend a long time ago.

As far as patches and fixes go, of course they didn't have as many when a game first came out. look at how much smaller the games were. i had doom on a f***ing 250mb hd! that's small compared to crysis 2 needing 9gigs. however you are definitely right about the support. But that really goes for everything these days. hell i went into a grocery store and couldn't find anyone that worked their that knew what temp to cook a damn roast at and for how long. I had to ask and old lady that was shopping. That's just the way it is these days "if it aint makin no money then why mess with it anymore?" Whatever.

you also said games are made easier. i think they're easier too but that's because an FPS is an FPS and every time a new one comes out its pretty much the same game with a few tweaks. When i play games like COD and crysis it reminds me of doom. when i play games like that stupid wolverine game I think of GOW. They're all practically the same game and thats why they are easier to me.

As far as console games getting better, i don't think so. i've been playing console games since the first nintendo was released in 1985 and i can tell you they are not. It's the same scene over there. A lot of games are the same and its getting pretty stale. why do you think they went to the motion bs? People will realize how stupid they look and stop that pretty soon(We can only hope).

I guess i do agree that the campaigns are getting worse but on the other hand i think the MP is getting way better. For me, i got tired of campaigns a long time ago. Back in the day they were awesome cause there was nothing else but now they bore me and if it gets any longer than they are now i wont beat them and i really only beat them to see the story. yea man i think the days of SP are about gone and soon if you don't have internet then you'll be stuck playing outdated games on outdated systems. what can you do?
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