GG wanted to appeal to COD homo's and they completely destroyed what KZ really is.
So i stopped playing KZ3 and grabbed this game upon release. It took me about 10 games to realize how good this game actually is. Especially when i did some tweaking to my TV and brought out the full potential of this graphical powerhouse.
Other than an occasional frame rate drop this game has been very solid. I love the fast paced MP and the suit abilities really give you the opp to show how smart you are and they make you think. I love that.
Its not just run and gun. Plan than move.. So its right up my alley. So thank you Crytek, from separating the smart players from the 12 year olds. I think this appeals to the mature audience and thats a huge plus.
One request would just be to make games last a little longer as they are very short.. Other than that keep it coming, im loving it!
Could be best shooter of the year. Never know?!?!?!?!?!?