Console sub-forums are reporting the same game-breakers as PC players..
Console sub-forums are reporting the same game-breakers as PC players..
Can an Xbox player tell me if the update automatically downloads or does it prompt you to do so? I don't care about the stupid exploit fix but my game is running pretty smooth thus far so I don't want any patches that may mess something up. I could always go offline but I wonder if I go back online will it start downloading the patch, even if I'm not playing.
I think it's about fixing an exploit, they did the same with the Ohgma Infinium in Skyrim. The comedy is that exploits don't really "break" anything and PC players can instantly add the items/skills/etc. that takes a long time to trick the system with on console. It doesn't make sense at all.
You and me both.It's a bloody mantra around here.There are other platforms besides pc,(as well as some pc users not wanting to install a bunch of user created mods)and it's up to Beth to take care of them ALL,not the players for a single platform.
Oh,i figured hidden cheats that give infinite lives/health were for those who weren't good enough to play the game the normal way.I don't think it has anything to do with player freedom/choice.
you hit the nail on the's the console makers imo who are the kill joys here...these glitches are basically harmless because they don't affect online multiplayer competition...but when youtubers post glitches on how to exploit the console makers limitations, feathers and egos get ruffled...meanwhile a PC user can make all the ammo, weapons, and items they want just by tapping a few keystrokes...I am sure Beth could care less also but the have agreements with console makers that their product must be honored...if you want a full Fallout experience get a PC...PC the master
Sure but it's a bit sour when they fix harmless glitches that console players use to edit the game to their liking but leave in gamebreaking bugs.
I never figured that out, why does it bother people, in a single player game, that there are exploits? You can just elect to not do them. I've never put any thought into how others might be playing the game.
Im not sure why people are saying that Bethesda chose to fix this and not the game breaking bugs, development doesn't work that way. Its just a case of this being a lot easier to fix and it going through the pipeline faster than all of the other bugs which are still in-progress.
Wrong game mate... with Bethesda games you've always gotten a far superior product on a PC just because of the great modding support.
I won't even mention the far better performance and graphics you could get.
As for the problems - there are solutions for most of them with mods, ini tweaks or ~console... non of which is possible on a PS/XBOX.
Gold exploit seems like a bug, so fixing it is logical. There are several ways to make tons of gold legally (traders, graqe mentants, farming), so it is not really an issue. Also gold is pretty much not an essential part of the game, you could actually finish it w/o using any.
There's a reason I decided that modding was the tip of whatever programming I was going to do in my life. Even working with the modding tools for Bethesda games its extremely easy to break something. When you are actually working on the games source code I would imagine that it turns into a nightmare that few other games really match. So very frustrating, and when it comes to something as big and as popular as this you're always going to get a small and vocal amount of people who think that you are terrible at your job because you didn't do a herculean programming task in under a month with perfect results.
It wasn't prioritized. You act like all bugs are equally easy to find and easily equal to fix once tracked down. This was probably something so obvious to whoever worked on the system in the first place that when he learned of it he knew exactly how to fix it. It may have taken a total of five minutes of his time. Moreover, he may not have even been somebody who works on things like game stability.
No, I'm actually acting like they had seven years to develop the game, which they released with game-breaking bugs. Now nearly a month after release they finally put out a patch that barely fixes anything. You're telling me that a small team of unpaid modders can fix in a small fraction of the time what a large team of professional, paid developers can't in nearly a month and that isn't an issue?
Were the exploit as simple and obvious as you imply, then why was it in the release of the game? Was no QA done? Why was it not taken care of in the day 1 patch? I could honestly care less about the exploit itself, I'm more peeved that developers keep releasing products in this state and that Bethesda in particular seems to leave it up to modders to fix their product for them.
I can play Fallout 3 and Skyrim on the Xbox 360 and still have to deal with game-breaking issues that modders have already fixed on PC, but Bethesda couldn't be bothered to release in a patch. That is how I am acting.
Sorry, but when PC users get to basically do whatever they want with commands....I was hoping they'd leave the caps glitch alone for the console users.
It never ruined my game play at all, in fact it actually extended it and kept me vested in settlement building because I could make getting materials for settlements well I just don't play fallout 4 much anymore, no point when I will run out of caps rapidly building something and ammo for weapons I like, like Plasma are ridiculously expensive.
I wish they cared as much to sort out the majorly frustrating settlement building issues than they did about minor glitches.
I don't mind fixes of any kind. I haven't used the caps exploit so it doesn't matter to me if it's in the game or patched. What does bother me is the lack of communication from the developers... we all paid good money for the game and some of us can't continue for various reasons. I still can't get ballistic weave and it's starting to make me angry. All it takes is a simple pop into the forum once in a while with a, "We're working on that bug" or "We didn't know about that and we'll look into it."
Now there are people reporting that with this patch they can't even load the game and there's a possibility of saves being corrupted. So what should people do? Is a new patch going to fix it or are the current playthroughs of those affected broken forever? We know things are being worked on but for gods sake... acknowledge your player base.
This isn't really true anymore, though, not for a single player game like Fallout 4 with its specific mechanics of building/creation. Let me offer a clarification as to why exploits are a huge problem.
You have people, including both average consumers and professional game journalists, posting articles and videos of huge settlement building. However, the fact is that the game itself does NOT allow such settlements due to restrictions in both resources and size of settlements. The latter can be altered via an exploit or via console on PC, so anyone who wishes to see the capabilities of the game WITHOUT exploiting these loopholes is out of luck, at least unless they get incredibly lucky with their searching. The former is even worse. The resources are very limited for a reason (i.e., in order to keep settlement building in check to "reasonable" levels based on hardware performance). With endless time and patience, it is technically possible to get around the resource limits, but people do not have endless time. If nothing else, death takes everyone sooner or later and some of the resource needs for huge settlements being showcased are so extreme that a lifetime of playing to gather sufficient resources is not an exaggeration. This issue is exacerbated even further when professional outlets ask for submissions of creation efforts because there is no way that someone who does not use exploits can match what someone who uses them can do.
There is very little point in both consumers and professional outlets posting articles and videos claiming various huge creations "without any mods" when they eventually admit that they are using all sorts of resource exploits to accomplish their feat. That isn't sharing. It's just ego-tripping for such people, showing others that they think they are superior. It's especially annoying when they claim that they are attempting to encourage others to create similar works within the confines of the vanilla game. Well, they are not playing within the confines of vanilla when they use exploits, especially exploits that may only be available on specific platforms but not others.
Therefore, yes, all exploits should be fixed as they are bugs and undermine the community, even for a single player game. It won't happen, of course, and so the community remains fractured instead of united.
Sounds like the typical human condition... which someone once said "never changes".
undermines the community? stop it you are scaring me now