Bravo! Thanks for teaching those casuals to play the game right!
I hope that's the sarcastic poking it sounds like and not a genuine statement.
edit- brain's not working today
I'm curious as to exactly how he Cap Glitch was harming the OP in any way?
I'm glad they fixed it as well, but it wasn't bothering my game in the least (nor was it helping...If I want to cheat caps, player.additem f 10000 works just fine).
did they fix the settlement material duplication glitch yet?
It was a bug. Bug should be fixed. end of story.
...or is it only a bug when it screws you over? When it's working to your advantage it isn't a bug, but something else that doesn't need fixing. is a glitch in a game that does not affect anyone other than the person playing it concern you...the mere thought of someone may be cheating in their home on their game system is crazy and should maybe require a trip to a a nosey neighbor peeking over the fence.
True it's a bug, but it isn't something that should ever take precedence over say infinite loading screens, crashes, controls not working, weapons not working, etc. etc.
I hope you are not being sarcastic, because fixing bugs and glitches is their job.
if you can't stop pc users from modifying their game...then you are only targeting console users, the bulk of your sales.
Well, it took only a bit under a month... Then again, aren't most of the bugs relatively small things? Obviously they should be fixed, but I haven't heard of anything major such as not being able to continue in the main story line like Skyrim had (the thing with missing/not unpacked audio files for the dialogue in Riften). F4 overall seems like one of the smoothest launches BGS had.
Those bugs are certainly present in the game, among many other game-breakers.
I'm more or less salty that with nearly a month after release they finally release a patch with hardly any fixes compared to other developers with patches out much sooner and a list of fixes and responses from devs to the community to help try and understand/fix the issues.
I've experienced a number of different game-breakers in this game so far from infinite loading screens to controls not working to save corruptions to quests not being able to be continued.
The part that usually sets me over the edge though is the comments about how modders will take care of it (don't think it's been said in this thread but in others it has for sure).
Edit: I'll point out though that this has been a smoother launch bug-wise than Skyrim. Skyrim was actually unplayable to me for a while.
game breaking bugs that stop players from playing the game (and there are plenty) should be the priority.
There are bugs that negatively impact your game experience, and there are bugs that have no impact on your game experience at all. The cap glitch falls into the latter category.
Although, according to what I've read online the official number is 50/50 Console vs. PC. But that will change. Console graphics are getting so good that by the time the next Fallout arrives PC's will have nowhere near 50% of their sales.
People are getting tired of having to dike with drivers, RAM, CPU's, upgrading Windows, upgrading hardware. It svcks. It svcks big time. That's why console sales have been growing and now account for 50% of their sales.
Look at the forums. The majority of problems and complaints are by people with PC's and it's because of mods, overclocking, poor running machines. And yes, bugs in the software, but being a former hard core PC gamer myself, I can tell you that about 90% of the problems are on the users end.
You guys do realize that it may ... just may ... be absolutely nothing about fixing an exploit and possibly the fact that the "exploit" was merely the result of a much bigger, behind the scenes bug, right? That the fix - which you see as a correction to an exploit - actually addressed a much bigger, intrinsically more problematic issue under the hood. If they fixed it now - first - then it was IMPORTANT. The fact that you can't comprehend why it was important is largely completely irrelevant.