DICE is overrated, I almost hate them. They feed off the problems certain developers get when they have a issue going on. Like for example, say Modern Warfare 2, it had matchmaking on PC and gamers HATED IT. DICE ate off that hate and basically said "look at Bad Company 2! It has dedicated servers UNLIKE Modern Warfare 2" thus bringing gamers to go and svck them out. You get my drift? They don't have that true care for fans, they are just trying to hook the fans by telling them what they want and yes, delivering it, but sooner or later screwing them over (the dedicated servers for BC2 were garbage).
DICE is doing the same thing with BF3. Even tho Crysis 2 is no console port, a number of PC gamers think it is (though they are stupid for thinking this and they ignorant for it as well). So DICE comes in an says "We build for PC and then port to console, DERP" and then hook the gamers.
It's a very tricky business tactic they got going on. And I can't really bash them for it because it works really well.