Point Lookout was , eh. I couldn't wrap my head around basically fat inbreds having the strength of a Super Mutant. They should have just put SM's on the island.
I would have been annoyed as hell if after hours of fighting super mutants in DC, I traveled to Point Lookout and all I found was more super mutants. I liked the extra variety that Point Lookout gave to Fallout 3.
So you liked Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but would not buy Fallout 4? I don't get it. Skyrim is a completely different animal.
Bethesda made Fallout 3 into a TES clone shoved into the Fallout universe. Obsidian tried to separate New Vegas from that stigma by being more respectful and of the originals. If Bethesda alone makes the next Fallout, then it most likely is just going to be another TES clone with bad writing and worse characters.