We were very upset at you for pushing arbitrarily and without a notice, showing your disregards for the Japanese customers, the release of BRINK 2 weeks to May 26th.
Today, we the Japanese PC FPS gamer community, feel the need to thank you very much for pushing back the release of BRINK to the 26th of May in Japan. It gave us time enough time to read reviews being posted everywhere by North American and European gamers which all agree that this game is far from the expected quality that was settled after the Glorious time of Splash Damage when they made Enemy Territories: Quake Wars.
In the rush for the buck that publishers like you pursue after the console market you shoot your own feet, you destroyed a PC developer by excellence and turn its product into a mediocre game software badly optimized for both consoles and PCs alike. Great Job Bethesda.
Just look at the failure by the Metacritics score:
Metacritics: 71
Users review: 6.7/10
Metacritics: 84
User review: 8.3/10
Again, thank you for giving me the time that you didn't give to our America and European fellows who you and Splash Damage together scammed by selling this unfinished software. Me and many others are cancelling our pre-orders.
Thanks Bethesda, from our hearts.