» Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:46 am
Wow, it does seem really hard for people not to complain about something even in this thank you thread.
This game is probably the best game I've played since the release of Oblivion. It's so good, I bought it twice. I was at my local midnight release, and I bought it again a few hours later through Steam for my girlfriend. Currently, I have about 80 hours or so into the game. It'd be more, but things like work seem to get in the way. Even so, I still feel like I've only scraqed the surface of content in this game. To me, that's incredible. There are so many titles on the market right now, AAA titles that are good franchises, that top out at 20 hours or so of play. I've been playing Elder Scrolls since Morrowind, and with each new release, I see the series take huge leaps forward. In a game of this size I believe it's very difficult, if not impossible, to be able to balance the game in a way that will please everyone. In these forums it seems that everyone ignores all of the things Bethesda did right and just [censored]es about how they weren't catered to personally.
I haven't seen the credits list for this game, but I know there are a lot of passionate people who helped put this game together for us. Are they making a profit off all that effort? Of course they are. If they didn't, games like this couldn't exist. The video game industry itself wouldn't exist. However, as an aspiring game programmer myself, and having talked to some developers in real life, I know that it's about the passion first. Bethesda, could have put in 1/4 of the effort and produced 1/4 of the game they did and still could have put the $60 price tag on it knowing that we'd buy it, but they didn't. Instead, they chose to give us everything they could plus a little more, and that's why this game had such a long development cycle, as do all TES games. I'm sure they'll be starting work on TES VI soon. Is this game 100% perfect? No, but I've never played a game that is. If this was perfect, there would be no reason to continue the franchise because nothing could be improved.
Bethesda devs, if you read my humble post, I just want to say thank you. I've been looking forward to this release pretty much since the day the game was announced as being in the works (not the date of the trailer release). It has turned out to be everything that I'd hoped for. Your hard work, your dedication, your long hours, hours that you've sacrificed away from friends and family, please know that they are appreciated. I'm sure that LND DYNE and I are not the only ones who feel this way. I'm sure there are others who aren't so quick to speak up or are too busy playing Skyrim to visit the forums and thank you. I honestly can't think of another series, or individual game for that matter, that matches the amount of depth, content, or level of enjoyment that I receive from this game and the TES series. The only thing that comes close is Fallout, but you're responsible for that too. Thank you to everyone that spent even a moment of their time in the development of this game.
While at work today, I was thinking about starting a thread like this, a legitimate thank you thread, but I'm glad to see that I've been beaten to it.
Now I must get back to Skyrim. My people need their Dragonborn.