A Thanks to Bethesda

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:44 pm

Despite all the minor glitches and bugs. You guys have made an awesome game. I have gotten frustrated with this game a few times, but overall I love this game and it is the most fun I've had with a game in awhile. so Thanks Bethesda. Just hope you can get some more patches out to fix the bugs soon.
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:12 pm

They should be thanking us >.< we already graced them with our money.
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kitten maciver
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:43 am

I deleted the prior post.

You know folks, it is obvious some of you are very unhappy, and it is coming out in a particularly nasty way in a lot of threads. It is okay to back off and not thread crap in every single thread. It's okay for people to actually have a thread where they say they like the game without a mad rush to try and tell them how much you think it svcks. Seems to me you've made plenty of more negative skewed threads, so you know - chill out a bit.
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:08 am

I'll thank them if they fix the destruction problem as thats the only real problem i have with skyrim...the glitches im used to from Ob, i wish they wouldve kept the item dupe glitch :)
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Jason King
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:04 pm

I deleted the prior post.

You know folks, it is obvious some of you are very unhappy, and it is coming out in a particularly nasty way in a lot of threads. It is okay to back off and not thread crap in every single thread. It's okay for people to actually have a thread where they say they like the game without a mad rush to try and tell them how much you think it svcks. Seems to me you've made plenty of more negative skewed threads, so you know - chill out a bit.

This deserves some thanks, too. About time :D
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:04 am

I agree, OP. Skyrim is a beautiful, fantastic game.

And I'm pretty sure that if something happened to all the haters' copies of Skyrim that rendered them unable to play it at all, that they would be much more unhappy at being unable to play the game than they are complaining about how it "svcks." If you think it svcks so much, then why did you waste 100+ hours and play all the quests to death? :rolleyes:

Thanks Bethesda for this wonderful game! And an extra special thanks for all the awesome lore consistencies and cameos you put into this game to throw a bone to the veteran players. I LOVE LOVE LOVE coming across all these references to prior games and Elder Scrolls history. :D
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:52 am

Meh. 100 hours played and so far its better than oblivion but I wouldnt call it awesome. Terrible dialogue, barely any branching, ridiculously short quest lines (just finished college of winterhold), tiny cities, very few spells, no challenge (ridiculously easy to get a ton of money and loot with no effort) and plenty of other things.

To name a few good things I usually like the dungeons, the magic system is an imprvement except for tiny spell variety and there are at least some choices in the a few quest lines.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:59 pm

I can't resist posting on this topic anytime I see it. I play pc with controller. Thanks for making a big budget western rpg Bethesda. Hope its success will encourage more developement in the genre.
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:44 am

One of the best games


Totally agree OP.
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:02 am

I'm having a lot of fun playing Skyrim. I have to agree, it's awesome. :obliviongate:
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:06 am

Indeed skyrim did not disappoint. Been ages since i have had this much fun. Had some nasty bugs but i know they will be ironed out soon enough.
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Sammie LM
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:33 am

Skyrim is an amazing game. I'm just trying to figure out why I'm not enjoying it :unsure:.
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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:20 pm

I deleted the prior post.

You know folks, it is obvious some of you are very unhappy, and it is coming out in a particularly nasty way in a lot of threads. It is okay to back off and not thread crap in every single thread. It's okay for people to actually have a thread where they say they like the game without a mad rush to try and tell them how much you think it svcks. Seems to me you've made plenty of more negative skewed threads, so you know - chill out a bit.

This can't be said enough so the people having a good time can come here and have a good time too. Thank you.

OP, it is an awesome game and over time, the various patches will take care of the things people have found to be a problem.

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Kevan Olson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:46 am

Wow, it does seem really hard for people not to complain about something even in this thank you thread.

This game is probably the best game I've played since the release of Oblivion. It's so good, I bought it twice. I was at my local midnight release, and I bought it again a few hours later through Steam for my girlfriend. Currently, I have about 80 hours or so into the game. It'd be more, but things like work seem to get in the way. Even so, I still feel like I've only scraqed the surface of content in this game. To me, that's incredible. There are so many titles on the market right now, AAA titles that are good franchises, that top out at 20 hours or so of play. I've been playing Elder Scrolls since Morrowind, and with each new release, I see the series take huge leaps forward. In a game of this size I believe it's very difficult, if not impossible, to be able to balance the game in a way that will please everyone. In these forums it seems that everyone ignores all of the things Bethesda did right and just [censored]es about how they weren't catered to personally.

I haven't seen the credits list for this game, but I know there are a lot of passionate people who helped put this game together for us. Are they making a profit off all that effort? Of course they are. If they didn't, games like this couldn't exist. The video game industry itself wouldn't exist. However, as an aspiring game programmer myself, and having talked to some developers in real life, I know that it's about the passion first. Bethesda, could have put in 1/4 of the effort and produced 1/4 of the game they did and still could have put the $60 price tag on it knowing that we'd buy it, but they didn't. Instead, they chose to give us everything they could plus a little more, and that's why this game had such a long development cycle, as do all TES games. I'm sure they'll be starting work on TES VI soon. Is this game 100% perfect? No, but I've never played a game that is. If this was perfect, there would be no reason to continue the franchise because nothing could be improved.

Bethesda devs, if you read my humble post, I just want to say thank you. I've been looking forward to this release pretty much since the day the game was announced as being in the works (not the date of the trailer release). It has turned out to be everything that I'd hoped for. Your hard work, your dedication, your long hours, hours that you've sacrificed away from friends and family, please know that they are appreciated. I'm sure that LND DYNE and I are not the only ones who feel this way. I'm sure there are others who aren't so quick to speak up or are too busy playing Skyrim to visit the forums and thank you. I honestly can't think of another series, or individual game for that matter, that matches the amount of depth, content, or level of enjoyment that I receive from this game and the TES series. The only thing that comes close is Fallout, but you're responsible for that too. Thank you to everyone that spent even a moment of their time in the development of this game.

While at work today, I was thinking about starting a thread like this, a legitimate thank you thread, but I'm glad to see that I've been beaten to it.

Now I must get back to Skyrim. My people need their Dragonborn.
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:31 am

No doubt, this is the best single player game I've laid my hands on in... well, since Baldur's Gate. I thought single player games were a dying breed, unable to keep up with the immersion that MMO's and online multiplayer games could throw at you. Well, Bethesda, you proved me wrong. I'm absolutely awe struck with this game, and you remain my favorite game developer. Well done.
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:59 pm

agreed, Skyrim is an epic game.
Time will tell if, for me, it sits up there with Morrowind, but I think it is off to a great start.

Really looking forward to the release of the tools set as well, I won't speak for all PC gamers but for me, your tools are one of the things that place TES so far above other rpg's.
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:35 am

This might be my favorite game ever.

Everytime I log on, I find yet something else that drops my jaw. It is just purely an amazing game.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:51 am

No doubt, this is the best single player game I've laid my hands on in... well, since Baldur's Gate. I thought single player games were a dying breed, unable to keep up with the immersion that MMO's and online multiplayer games could throw at you. Well, Bethesda, you proved me wrong. I'm absolutely awe struck with this game, and you remain my favorite game developer. Well done.

I can name more than just BG. What about;

Dragon Age: Origins
Planescape: Torment
Fallouts 1 and 2
Icewind Dale
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines

to name a few. Any of those games are better than any Beth game outside of Daggerfall. Don't get me wrong, I love Skyrim, but it doesn't offer the choices like you would have in a BG, etc, so I would compare it to like style games like Morrowind and Oblivion.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:34 pm

They should be thanking us >.< we already graced them with our money.

so if someone gave you a brick of gold for a dollar you wouldnt thank them?
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luke trodden
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:22 am

Having started on oblivion then played morrowind and daggerfall
I can honestly say this is my favorite TeS
I feel like Skyrim may be the oblivion generations "morrowind" i feel like the atmosphere in skyrim is well above anything i have ever played before and probably the best atmosphere for a TES game

But this is in my opinion and any who agree thank you
And any who dont agree then i can assume you are of the morrowind generation or daggerfall generation....
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Ice Fire
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:56 pm

This is a great game and its easy to point out something that proves this. It crashes and causes me to rage for a moment but I still play it and so do all the negative posters. If I was playing lesser games and they continually dropped to desktop I would uninstall them not click the icon to launch the game again.

Most of the bugs are funny and even 200+ hours in I find new things. They are becoming much rarer but isnt that incredible. Playing through a second or third time you find that a cave you explored before actually has more purpose then you originally thought or you find a headless horseman riding down the road. What does he do? Why is he there? Should I follow him for 20 minutes and then look him up on the internet to find out what happened in front of me. Attention to detail is incredible in this game and yes it has bugs and yes you can easily break the diificulty by using overpowered combinations of skills and perks but the game is what you make of it.

My original character tried a bit of everything and suffered for it. close to 1k armour class and magically buffed against spell damage the game became easy but no [censored] its not the games fault, its mine for being a munchkin. Consequent playthroughs I just let my character evolve and guess what the game is fun and amazing and I have lost sleep because im thinking about a damn computer game while I lay there in bed. The biggest problem I have had with skyrim so far is every faction is inept and failing to operate at even a remotely competant level and very early into every questline relies far to heavily on the player character to sort them out. I know the choice was made to heavily invest in the player as the changing force in the world and this was in response to criticism of oblivions main storyline. A minor problem for me is the attitude of NPC towards the player character.

Thankyou bethesda for a large amount of content with a hand crafted attention to detail very few games have. I thank the talent that works on games such as these and hope your happy with your work but strive to make your next game even better. I have several complaints about bethesda as a company (not as a maker of games) but they dont belong in this thread and the quality of the games you make does deserve a thankyou.
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:30 am

Having started on oblivion then played morrowind and daggerfall
I can honestly say this is my favorite TeS
I feel like Skyrim may be the oblivion generations "morrowind" i feel like the atmosphere in skyrim is well above anything i have ever played before and probably the best atmosphere for a TES game

But this is in my opinion and any who agree thank you
And any who dont agree then i can assume you are of the morrowind generation or daggerfall generation.... (<-------- My emphasis)

You said you started on Oblivion played Daggerfall and Morrowind then Skyrim. You're comment seems more bent on the graphics than storyline and player agency, where choices you make in-game have consequences on plot states. Daggerfall blows all of the TeS games combined that came after it out, for RPG elements and PA, that is my opinion of course. Either you really do not care for engaging story and role playing, or you didn't play Daggerfall and Morroqwind thoroughly. Dagggerfall has six different endings all having different consequences to your choices. Oblivion didn't offer any choice in the main story, let alone the other major quests. Morrowind was pretty good, but still lacked. Skyrim did bring back choices making a difference. If you could have added the PA like Daggerfall had to the epic scale of Skyrim's world, that would be mind blowing.
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:33 am

Daggerfall had such a crazy map as well I couldnt believe the 3d convoluted dungeon design. This series has always been a favourite of mine and each game has good memories. In arena I repaired my sword and when I bartered the price the blacksmith instead of charging me was paying me so I scaled the price to the max because they always were willing for the cost to increase.

I liked that when night fell even town wasnt safe in daggerfall as well.
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jason worrell
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:37 am

When I played Oblivion, the game was gorgeous and the stories were great. I thought never going back at playing earlier games (notably Morrowind and before).

Skyrim is a fantastic game. Even with all the hype it lives up to my expectations and then some more. That is a big feat on its own! The fantastic background and setting actually made me wonder about playing Morrowind (with a few mods to spice it up a bit) so I could re-live some of the events that are so beloved in this series.

There are moments in Skyrim when I remember my past character adventures because of things that are written in the lore all arround. It is amazing.
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Emily Rose
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:30 pm

When I played Oblivion, the game was gorgeous and the stories were great. I thought never going back at playing earlier games (notably Morrowind and before).

Oblivion had a story? It was near non-existent, IMO. You start off with the main quest and then do it. No NPCs tell the story or do you find anything related to a story (unless you read the seemingly endless book you find). You just simply do it when the quest givers tell you what to do. The main quest was also incredibly short. The Guild quests were much more interesting to be honest, especially the Thieves Guild quest. The only thing that kept me playing the game were the mods and the gorgeous scenery, which I still think is the best in any of the series, including Skyrim, only because it has varied areas of mountains, forests, swamps, etc that were colorful and realistic. The mountains looked bad though at a distance, even on my power rig. I am finding though, that I think the music in Oblivion was better, but Skyrim's soundtrack is pretty good .
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