Only the song that was in the trailer was enough to fuel a fire that is already consuming part of the Earth... it has spawned comedies, mixes ( of the MW, OB and SK themes ), covers... JUST the song! This just shows how much admiration/devotion we guys owe to you. Hell the amount of depth that this game already has by the CREATION of a totally new langauge, including an alphabet ( I mean anyone can just babble something and say its a new language, but thinking about how dragons could write... thats just plain awesome ), I can't even imagine until you reveal more stuff ( which I hope will be soon )
I guess what I'm trying to get to is that I ( I speak for myself at least ) got all of you people in bethesda's back, just for giving us gamers a good reason to stay gamers, for true jewels like these games. Sure some people can argue about who really is a gamer and what kind of gamer he is, but this... All the way from the graphics, to a new language; is actually a bigger and much tougher work than just putting James Bond in a car firing at bad guys ( and these guys rake millions ). This is a true work of art and I haven't even seen gameplay yet.
I'm sure someone will tell me that I'm falling to the hype, that the game will svck, that morrowind was better... that daggerfall was better. I don't care. Having dragons with their own language, skydiving at you, and the sheer amount of time you guys have spent on this ( CoD every year... TES 6 years was it? ) is sure to make at least a good game.
That said, I only have a few questions that I'd like to ask the comunity ( and devs if they are around )
1) Just not to break immersion, as some people are saying, what if the dragon shouts are made a là Endwar? As in if you have a headset/microphone you could actually shout the dragon language ( and avoid having a voice actor for the dovakiin ) and it would activate the shout? It could also free up a button in the keyboard/controller.
2) I can't get this image out of my head... possibly when starting the game or something... you go out into the street and basically see a dragon strafing a street with fire and you have to basically get into a house or something to avoid that ( imagine a plane strafing a street ). Will this be implemented?
3) You guys said that we might have news sooner than we could expect... I'm actually expecting you guys to go for it in the superbowl ( kinda like Halo 3 when it was announced ). I'll be watching it just for that

That being said, If any of you bethesdians come over to Argentina, I'll buy you guys a beer.
PS: All the work is really appreciated