Elder Scrolls online, most likely is going to have a pay to play.
And a bigger game like Guild Wars 2 is free to play.
Looks like I'm not going to buy ESO
Elder Scrolls online, most likely is going to have a pay to play.
And a bigger game like Guild Wars 2 is free to play.
Looks like I'm not going to buy ESO
I ate a pizza for supper, was too lazy to cook anything.
BYE dont let the door hit you on your way out
I'll be playing AND eating pizza on the first day of early access
Guild Wars 2 is also pay to play. You are responsible for purchasing the game itself, it just doesnt have any subscription fees.
Guild Wars 2 svcks.. ESO will not. nuff said
That's what I'm talking about the subscription fee.
I don't exactly have a job. I got gift cards for Gamestop due to being Christmas presents, but otherwise I have no money. I have been searching for a job and have been unemployed for three months.
Most MMOs are going free to play. Big ones. They see the advantages of not having subscription fee over having one. Why does ESO have to have a subscription fee?
That's not right. And I see it as more money milking.
Sub fees have been the norm for the industry until only a few years ago, and some games still have them. Deal with it.
I like every time someone [censored]es about sub fees. Most of the games that have them were great long lasting titles, EQ, WoW etc. That sub goes to pay for server maintence, pay CS team so they can help timely manner, help pay dev team to design good content pateches etc. F2P generally stink because they dont have any of that and if they do it's minimal. Plus everything is locked behind a pay gate. Sure if you are being thrifty you can pay Al la carte. But if you want to get the full experience you end up paying a lot more than 15 a month. And god help you if you have alts and need to rebuy stuff. Look at GW2, Neverwinter and SWTOR. Had to pay for everything and everything that came out that was decent was for those willing to pony up more cash, and they werent account bounc either.
So it's ironic those posting and bashing about fees, because if you didn't care about the game because of fees you just say to yourself "meh not gonna get this" but the fact you post about it means you like the game just to poor or stingey to pay a sub.
Also fees have a secondary effect of making the audience more "mature" you get less 12 year olds running around being assess, less trolls, and possibly less gold farmers because each account will need a sub so that deters making multiple accounts for spammers/trolls and not as many parents want to pay the sub fee eliminating a lot of the underage audience if the M rating doesnt already lol
You know that's very rude. ^souclaw
I have been looking forward to this game. And probably have to cancel my preorder.
You know I find that really really rude, the way people are approaching me about this subject. No care or lack of sympathy for someone just getting by. I'm on food stamps, can't get any welfare despite having an official diagnosis because I didn't make enough money in my last job. I have no money and live off of gift cards people give me for birthday or Christmas.
And I find the way people approach me, talking about sub and being rude to me and extremely defensive and aggressive about this subject, as rude. Especially considering that its like no one takes these considerations in mind at all.
I've been in that situation before. You know what I did? Gave up on luxuries. When you are in such situations you have to give up things. It is simply the nature of things. I didn't expect things I wanted to become cheaper, nor did I think they should, because I'm not entitled to anything.
Your point? GW2 svcked and still does, if you payed a sub in that game you should be committed.
Wow I can tell you're so mature and not a toxic member of the community
Christmas presents, belated.
I fully expect this to be a 60 dollar game.
It's on consoles. And certain aspects of the consoles, I have to pay to be a member for Xbox Gold, etc.
So that's 60 dollars, plus 24 dollars, plust the 10 to 15 dollar subscription
I'm sorry that isn't expecting things to be cheaper. Seriously, all I see is greed. Considering they'll have "special edition" sets of armor, dlc, that come out that we'd have to pay for as well.
That's how Guild Wars 2 does it. You don't pay for a subscription, but they come out with special equipment, etc. And people buy it. Expansions people buy it. That isn't expecting anything to be cheap. That's expecting a way to keep fans.
But I see it already does if people are just going to be rude on this forum about a guy just disappointed in a game he was looking forward to.
Come on, get a life please, you knew the game was coming out, you knew just like EVERY other mmo their would be a CE and you could have started putting back 5 or 10 a month since when you heard about this game, but you chose to not do this and now you are whining and wanting [censored] for free. I am not financially where i would like to be but i put money back to be able to get the CE, i adjusted so i would have 150 put back for the CE and here i am buying it and not [censored]ing about how poor my house hold is..... Heck i bet you spend more on smokes or cokes in a week then what you would paying to play this game.
And why is that? Because I described a secondary effect of subs?
This game will be 60 dollars, the price of a full game. That's not free. Maybe you should learn the definition of free next time.
You act like you woke up and all the sudden BAM this is the price, all you had to do is research what previous CE's cost and you would have know what to put back, but you didnt and you chose to buy your soda and smokes and run to the mall and now you are whining because you chose not to budget for this correctly and some how its ours or zens fault because you cant save your cash.
We've known that this was going to be sub for a long time. And yes you are expecting it to be cheaper otherwise you wouldn't be posting here fishing for sympathy because you can't afford it and be like another game that quite honestly failed on so many expectations that it is thought of as a failure by a large amount of people.
Life gives you hard times, you got to svck up and move on with it.
Video games are, as Nothv said, a luxury. Why would I be sympathetic of your situation in relation to video games? Instead of playing games, try to improve your situation mate. Priorities man. From what you have described, video games should be at the bottom of your priority list right now. Seems like you want to spend your disposable income on luxuries, but there lies the problem eh? You don't have disposable income. If you want to have luxuries in life, you need to have the money to afford them. That is why they are luxuries. Luxuries= Not necessities. It would be a pretty stupid business decision to cater to people who don't have money right? Kind of defeats the purpose.
Wake up sweetie this is a MMO, you dont get the game for free and expect to play it for free if its a decent title. This might be your first rodeo but come on you could atleast get your head out and see whats been going on for the past 10 years to get a clue.
I have no money. And to be honest, unlike some people, I don't always read the news. To me this is new. And I wanted to bring it up because I was disappointed. I am not asking for it be free, I'm not asking for it not to have a subscription.
And instead the whole community on this board decide to attack a guy who was just disappointed.
Instead of responding
"Yeah that will hinder some things. Sorry about that"
I get stuff like
-You're entitled
-You don't know how to budget
-You want the game for free
I'm glad I am not getting this game now, so I don't have to play with pricks like yourselves.
If this is true you should not be talking about buying or playing any games. You should be selling your gift cards .50 on the dollar to buy food and things you need.