The press won't shut up about Todd's playthrough of the Skyrim demo. I understand that every magazine needs its chance to get a cut of the action, but for us depraved information-hungry forum folk every one of these articles is just within arm's reach on the internet. So, hoping to glean some unique snippets of information, you've probably all read at least a few of those hands-on Skyrim preview stories. Recap:
2) See NPCs chopping wood.
3) Visit shopkeeper.
4) Get quest to retrieve a golden claw.
5) Encounter Giants en route to Bleak Falls Barrow.
6) Kill some Draugr and giant spiders.
7) Solve a rotating stone puzzle by examining inscriptions on the claw.
8) Encounter a dragon on your escape from the dungeon.
9) Kill the dragon. Don't forget to FUS ROH DAH it!
As interesting as it sounds, I almost can sympathize with half the stuff in Oblivion's E3 demo not making it to the final game - at least it left us pleasantly surprised when we finally did play it. I don't know if I'm really keen on going through with this sequence of the game anytime soon though, since we all know it by heart at this point.
So what do you all think? Is it your first priority to run through the golden claw quest to finally experience the previewers' excitement for yourself, or are you going to avoid that place at all costs?