Here's my standard loadout:
- Combat Helmet Mk. II and Van Graff's Combat Armor for Combat. Will possibly change up to Desert Ranger gear or Power Armor w/ Perk in the future once I acquire them
- Well Heeled Gambler Suit and Desperado Cowboy Hat for more civilized areas. May change into the tux if I acquire one though
- Sniper Rifle (Fully Modded) for stealth sniping of course
- That Machine for medium range shooting and VATS
- 100 .308 JSP Rounds for the above weapons
- Brush Gun w/ 50 Hollow Point .45 Gov Rounds for tougher critters (converting the casings to SWC hand load rounds and saving them for the end game)
- 10mm Pistol w/ 50 10mm JFP Hand Load rounds for sneak killing smaller critters in VATS.
- Machete for things get too close.
- I have high sneak so I'm not worried so much about holdout weapons, but as far as the standards go the .22 pistol with hollow point rounds is my fave and a straight razor for if/when I run out of bullets
Food, Drink & Misc:
I play hardcoe mode so I have to worry about food/drink/rest/crippling, so I usually carry these around:
- 2 Atomic Cocktails (in case a bed is not available)
- 4 Steaks (Gecko/Dog/Brahmin/Bighorner or whatever else I can get my hands on and cook)
- 4 Purified Water
- 2 Doctor's Bags (in case both legs are crippled and I can't fast travel out of whatever hole/bunker/cave/building I'm in)