Yes, it's quite obviously propaganda. I'd still expect the author to get the appearance right, though. Especially since they have upturned noses in previous ES games
. I just get nervous when we see any "The author was wrong" retcons. Remember the "once jungled" Cyrodiil? At least Bethesda appears to be paying attention to lore in TES V, though, so I doubt we will see the retcon cascade of TES IV again. It still stings I bit when I feel the bite of the retcon
axe blunt weapon, however
It wasn't a retconn, it was blatently implied the author was quite racist. Also, that doesn't mean the author would get the appearance right. You should read some books during the 1930's about the difference between the Chinese and Japanese (back when Japan was the enemy), how the Germans were treated during WWI, how the Irish were treated when they came over to America, and other historical examples of racist cartoonists, authors, and "researchers."
My point being, the author had the intent of making the orsimer to be nothing more than an idiotic and extremely fugly beast with no brains.