they just helped the other races.
How do you define "helped"?
Yes it is all "white man's burden", but I think America turned out pretty good, right?
Not for the native americans. It's a similar situation. While our expansive and pollutive ways help us, it really makes life hard for the natives. It's the same for the Imperial.
Anyone could've turned the tables against anyone at some point in their history. But now their coupons have expired and the clerk won't accept them, so they're all jealous when the Imperials get new ones first.
Exactly my point! Most of the other races couldn't care less about an empire. The reason they tend to hate the empire, is because they're in thier provinces. NOT because they're jealous (Except, perhaps, the Altmer).
Personally, I would have loved to see the Aldmeri Dominion grow. It would be awesome to be the one to abolish them, and get rid of the slavery of men. Do Altmer still practice the slavery of men?
Anyhoo, this is what I love about Elder Srolls. When there is grey morality, and either side has an argument. Great stuff, Bethesda, great stuff. ^_^