How would you have double Daedric quests? That would require each Daedric Prince to give you two items, which they all have more than one artifact but yeah, as long as they can do it without diluting the quality of the Daedric Quests, I'm good. I just hope they have the same people working on the sidequests in Skyrim as they had working on sidequests in Oblivion, Oblivion had THE BEST sidequests I've ever played in a game, they were so fun and unique instead of all of them being fetch or kill quests *cough* Morrowind *cough*. However, hopefully this time they make the fighter's guild quests more interesting, though the Fighter's guild quests got interesting around the point you start helping the Fighter's guild leader's son and then it turn into a fight against Blackwood Company, that was really nice, especially the Hist induced slaughter, that was a nice twist.
They wouldn't
have to give you two items. They
are Gods after all. They could give you a Greater/Minor power (akin to the Runestones in Oblivion) instead of another item. The possibilities are wide open as far as a risk/reward scenario with the Daedric Princes' involvement.
Plus, I think it would be very possible to give more Daedric quests without diluting the overall quality of each quest. I
do very much agree with you on having the same dev-team creating the Skyrim side-quests as did in Oblivion. Morrowind's quests were good, but got very repetitive after a while. Oblivions side-quests were always diverse and exciting even after playing through the game over ten times. lol
And as each Prince has more than one Artifact, they each have there fingers in many, many plots around the two planes. This gives many varied options for a diverse amount of immersive side-quests. You could theoretically introduce nigh-infinite Daedric quest via DLC, and each one would be quality and deep as far as the plot and design are concerned simply because the Daedric Princes have so many varied plots going on. You could even have a quest for each Prince/Princess that lets them become your character's Patron/Matron Diety/supporter. They could give you special perks depending upon which of the 16 Princes you choose to follow. You could still help out the other Princes with their quest lines, but you would have to do things in a way that still show your loyalty to your chosen Daedric Prince in some way.
Just some thoughts I've had on this subject. lol
