» Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:54 am
To name a few things(this is all my personal opinion!):
The fact that it felt like the war had just happened, is a huge minus in most other veterans' books, however I find it a huge contribution in setting the mood. Sure, it's not too realistic, but so what? It's a game, made for your entertainment! Furthermore, this makes the random encounters click with the enviroment, and they too are a very important catalyst for creating the Fallout 3 vibe.
Super Mutants, or pretty much enemies in general, were VERY lacking in NV. In Fallout 3, you'll run into creatures in a lot of places, randomly placed as well, whereas in NV, the enviroment is static and dull, meaning you'll run into the same enemies in the same places every playthrough. The Super Mutants mark Fallout 3 especially. Though realism in accord of the lore is again broken, it doesn't bother me too much. They act as "the other" Enclave pretty much, meaning you have 2 opposing factions in the game. Though not too diverse, I really enjoyed scouring the ruins of DC, running into Super Mutants wherever I went never got old for some reason.
The DC area is a well known location to most people. Despite not having ever been there myself, I am familiar with the most known buildings in the city, as well as the monuments. This is a very good addition to the game in my opinion. The fact that you can go around the city, and the outskirts for that matter, and randomly think: "Hey, I know this place!", is very cool, and helps you connect with the game world a bit more.
And then there's the radio... This was pretty much what did it for me when deciding which of the 2 games I preferred; 3 or NV. The songs on the radio would NEVER get old to me, even if Butcher Pete played 3 times in a row, and Three Dog's news broadcast looped a few times. The songs were much better in 3, although I do know the NV songs fit the setting. Not only the songs though; The announcer, Three Dog, was a MUCH MUCH more lovable person than the machine known as Mr. New Vegas. Remember how Three Dog would actually refer to you before each broadcast by a title varying with your Karma/Level? Mr. New Vegas doesn't seem like he gives a hoot about what you do!
These are all my opinions, but I don't know, there is indeed something else in 3 that gives a different feel from NV, but I can't put my finger on!