Maybe he could set the goons as "Boss" enemies, as to make them even more powerful, so you need immense amounts of firepower... And about the breaking legs, you could just make them use Dart Guns, or just change the attributes of a 10mm Pistol or something...
They should use Vampire's Edges!!! That would be friggin awesome! Ew, no. According to Wiktionary, awesome is defined as "Causing awe or terror; inspiring wonder or excitement; Excellent, exciting, remarkable." Now, giving two different people copies of a unique (meaning, in this case, one of a kind) weapon would diminish the value of the Vampire's Edge as a sword, and thus, it would be the opposite of awesome.
If they're goons, and they're going to break your legs, you need baseball bats.
Me, I'm not too keen on the idea of organized crime trying to take over the bar in the first place, unless, of course, they showed up, threatened you, and you promptly killed them all, because you're just that awesome.