That is totally true, but there is hope because Fallout 4 seems set up to have maximum replay value.
One of weaknesses of F3 and FONV was that by the end of the game and DLC, all the characters all started to play the same.
You could have a Charisma of 1 and still have a 100 in Speech and Barter by the end of the game.
Same for all the other skills.
And when every skill is at 100%....
But in F4, Special Stats now directly effect how your Sole Survivor handles in game.
I think having a 1 in a stat and having a 10 in a stat will feel and play radically different.
And unless you choose to spend perks to increase a stat, it is going to stay that way the whole game.
Unless you choose to spend perks on Stealth, Lockpicking or perks that effect your ability with certain types of weapons, your Sole Survivor will have about the same level of ability with them at the end of the game as he did when he started the game largely based on his Special Stats.
I know some hard core players are hoping that they will be able to bank perks, and not have to spend them when you level up.
All perks are tied to stats.
Most used perks are on the low end.
Most powerful are on the high end.
Different set of stats then a very different set of perks.
Not counting cyberware, books, and other perk freebies, just to be able to access all 275 perks you have to max all your Special stats.
That would take 42 levels.
Add in the 275 perks and you have to be over level 300 to have everything.
That is before you all in any perks from DLC.
No level cap so you can either play till you have everything (and it all plays the same) or start over at level 150 or so with a very different character.
Then add in that there will be differences depending on if you are playing the male or the female Sole Survivor.
Might not be much, but by changing the dialog based on six (both with the male and female voiced protagonist and if the NPCs have different dialog depending on who they are speaking to), they could do a lot to make the experience unique.
It will be close to perfect, as long as you can't become head of the Brotherhood, director of the Institute, mayor of Diamond City, and the head of the Railroad simultaneously.