NCR ending, but this one has no people getting pushed out of the areas, except for some people of goodsprings. Note there is no good ending for Lilly so yes... Novac is unavoiable
Poor Veronica being exiled from the Brotherhood, such cowards! Especially as she still helps them today. I couldn't care less about Fiends, Cook-Cook after what he did to Betsy can rot in Hell! Old Mormon Fort remained independent and helped the citizens out, such heroism! The one that got to me was Doc Mitchell being forced out of Good springs because of the taxes the NCR set on the settlement, they should of taken pity and paid respect to the town, especially Doc Mitchell for saving the Couriers life!
I honestly think the NCR is best, simply because while I would totally side with house, he doesn't like sharing the power. I.e he is a dictator in every shape and form. This proven clearly if you ever tell him you wont give him his precious chip. He goes into a little hissy fit on how it's his and that he owns Vegas because he saved it and blah blah blah. He sounded just like Caesar. All 4 are about a sense of Entitlement people seem to have. I can't tell you the best, but I can tell you the worst. Caesar's Legion, under Legate Lanius. It is basically the worst possible outcome's of outcomes. I would say that Yesman/Independant is the Best but, well it doesn't help anyone in the end as total anarchy takes over the Mojave in that scenario. At least with the NCR if you do what must be done in a good way. Most if not all of the ending's with the NCR, to me have the best outcome. Sure there are taxes and some people don't want them around. But they don't seem to remember what it was like before NCR. How the Viper's and Jackal's pretty much did as they pleased. How there was no one to keep the fiend's in check. How House really only cared about making a buck not shelling it out to help out. They also seem to forget how easily Caesar's Legion would have overrun New Vegas had the NCR not been there to push them back. They also seem to forget how abusive the brotherhood would have been to them had the NCR not been there to 1 keep them in check, 2 actually bring peace between them and protect the highways and roads. Basically NCR is over all the best outcome in my opinion. Simply because most other's have even bigger flaws. Sure the taxes svck, but hey even in real life taxes svck, but they have a purpose.
This is very true but why should the Wasteland be burdened with taxes, the entire world has been through enough, hey! At least Caesar got owned!

House. With the Brotherhood dead, people like the Followers will be able to practice science without worrying about getting blown away. The NCR will be pushed back to their own territory and forced to reconstruct their government into one that isn't based on aggressive expansion for the sake of robber barons, the Legion will dissolve into irrelevancy, and the people of Vegas will be able to organize themselves into an unstoppable technological juggernaut that makes its way to the stars.
I wonder if the "way to the stars" will be the next DLC for Fallout

I suppose you are right but I don't want any faction to die, it's not fair. Although the Brotherhood are greedy controlling and regulating every piece of "technology they deemed inappropriate" surely that must be for the best?