The Abundant Wasteland

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:17 pm

Is anyone else irked by the vast amount of loot in the game, and I mean EVERYTHING? Guns, raw materials, junk, ammo, food, stimpaks, Power Armor, etc. There isn't much in FO4 that's truly rare. There's not much point in dealing with the merchants, except for a very few bottlenecks, such as purified water or fusion cores- even in those cases, if you're diligent about it, you'll wind up with dozens of both. Yeah, supposedly things like adhesives, oil, screws, whatever, are less common, but there are workarounds for all of that.

One of the reasons I've picked up everything that wasn't nailed down in past Fallout games is that every bit of junk MATTERED. It might have been a pain schlepping all that stuff around, but it could definitely make a difference later in the game. At first, I thought I'd better hoard everything if I wanted to build extensive settlements. But if the game allowed it, I've got enough resources to build walls from one end of the map to the other, and arm scores of settlers with combat armor and at least medium strength weapons. Heck, if the game allowed for such things, I could march an ARMY on Boston and rule the entire place!

And one more little note- new crops every day? Heck, once a WEEK would be unrealistically generous. It's a real immersion breaker, knowing that if I care to take the time, I could farm literally hundreds of any crop item I wished.

I've held my judgment until several game days into playing it. But now I can't wait for a mod that cuts the occurrence of every item in the game in HALF. Wasteland my butt, this is the Boston postwar cornucopia, the veritable Horn of Plenty.

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Harry Hearing
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:08 pm

The only things that are unrealistic are the Crop speed and the Ammo/Good Weapons abundance.

We are not in the middle of nowhere here. We are in the ruins of one of the most densely populated, heavily built up areas of the country. It is closer to being a landfill than a desert. In fact, much of the "land" you are crossing actually IS former landfill land that was buried and had houses constructed on it. Boston was basically an island originally. Everything else was fill land. Nearly every coastal settlement started its life as mostly marsh land that got filled in later. Often with trash, scrap, and anything else they had lying around. I used to live on some of that land. This game radically underestimates the number of Railroad Spikes you should be finding. Because you couldn't dig down more than a few feet in my old neighborhood without hitting one of those things.

So, to sum it up, we are actually finding LESS crap than we should be, but MORE guns and ammo.

I'm putting this down to Civilisation not being anywhere near as collapsed as it was in the original Fallout games. It's still there, in places even High Civilisation. And the Commonwealth is supposed to represent the very highest Civilisation left in America. So we see more new guns and ammo being produced by the trigger happy, irradiated masses.

I just assume that the crops are supper fast growing mutants :wink_smile:

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Rachael Williams
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:56 pm

I am not going to complain about a lack of items. Especially when they are useful.
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:29 am

AMEN to this!

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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:14 am

Well, first off, I don't remember having any use for a toy car, or any number of other items in former Fallout games created by Bethesda, other than selling it for a pittance. So to say there isn't more use to more items would be unfair and untrue.

If you check other threads you'll hear about players that have run out of wood, or other materials, and would not be able to happily agree with your assessment of abundance. Since many weapons are pipe types that have been made in the last two hundred years since the bombs dropped, I'm not even sure those numbers are low. Though players can't make ammo in this game, I think it's fair to say that's just to force some tactics and strategy on the player.

There is an article out now about a guy that was arrested and when they went to search his house they found over five thousand guns, and it made me think it would be kind of cool to have a character like that in the game, that just hoarded up a ton of weapons, but of course had defenses that would make it an extreme amount of work to obtain, or perhaps have him willing to trade... if you had a weapon he didn't currently have in his collection.

In 2014 there were 112.6 guns for every 100 persons in the united states of America, and Fallout is a fantasy version that was, at the time of it's devastation, at war, so to estimate an even larger number of weapons per person would not probably be too extreme, and most people have been wiped out.

So if everyone you meet has two guns, that's about right?

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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:16 pm

I'll take your word for it about the actual Boston, and your point. But looking in terms of gameplay, I'll stand by what I said.

. I haven't been through 1/3 of the game, but I've got what I consider to be a truly absurd amount of guns, supplies, and resources of all kinds.

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David Chambers
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:45 pm

Maybe it's just a matter of play style. I'm used to hoovering everything up, and sorting out the junk from the good stuff later. Maybe it's just a form of OCD particular to gamers...

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Tanika O'Connell
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