"Too hardcoe" (25) - Play over 300 hours
"This if MY Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" (15) - Play in first-person for 100 hours
" I Feel a Bit Holier Today..." (5) - visit every church in Skyrim
"Yes, I Follow A Schedule." (5) - go to bed at 10PM every night and then wake up at 6AM for a week straight
"The Bargainer" (5) - bargain a merchant so the price of the item you are trying to buy is at less than 60% of its retail value
"They Love Me So..." (10) - achieve 100 points when trying to make an NPC happy (I do not know what the points were called in Oblivion)
"Robin Hood" (10) - give every beggar in Skyrim a coin.
Sorry for double posting. While I was writing this post up, I thought someone else would have made a post before I finished my post.