[RELz] The Adventurer's Guide to the Trainers of Cyrodiil

Post » Fri Nov 19, 2010 3:59 pm

I recently started playing again. One day I sold some stuff in Anvil and wanted to train in Restoration.
(Well, now I know you can't get Restoration training in Anvil. But I didn't then. Oh No! I wasted about an hour trying to find someone to train me.)

I searched "trainers" on the Nexus and found a couple of mods that sort of did what I wanted.
Well, I didn't want sort of!

I present to you:

The Adventurer's Guide to the Trainers of Cyrodiil

Just open the puppy up, flip to the city and there you go!
Who they are, What they Teach, When they teach, and Where they teach.

Of course, all the information came from the UESPWiki. So it will be mostly correct.

Download from http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32927

The full Readme:
Name: The Adventurer's Guide to the Trainers of Cyrodiil
Version: 1.1
Date: 2010/07/10
Category: Player Items
Author: Aellis

OBSE v18b2 or higher - Source: http://obse.silverlock.org/

Wrye Bash - http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368
Oblivion Mod Manager
Source: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097

I can never remember the Who, What, Where, and When of the Trainers.
I like the idea of a book to carry for reference, but I didn't like
the layout of the other trainer book mod i found. So I made my own
book using mostly the despriptions of the trainers from the UESPWiki.
And I'm giving it to the community.

It lists the who, the what, the where, and the when for all the trainers.
It lists them by location rather than by the skill trained.

The first time you are trained after installing this mod, you will
receive a gift. This gift: The Big Book of Tamriel's Trainers.
It is a big book. More than 40 pages.

The book is 0 weight, 0 value, and is not a quest item. Which means
you can give it away, drop it, or delete it. So if you want it back,
you must do a clean save to erase the data. Or if you are familiar with
console commands, the formid is xx0013bc.

The script is very simple and runs only until the first time you are
trained after installing the mod.

It uses a stock mesh and texture, so there's nothing else to worry about.
The book is formatted to use vanilla fonts and may look a bit unfinished
using substitutes.


Manual Install
1. Extract this archive to any folder and then copy The Adventurer's Guide.esp
to Oblivion's Data folder. Copy this readme to the Data\Docs folder if
you wish to keep it.
2. You can ignore or delete the "omod conversion data" folder.
3. Start the Oblivion Launcher, activate the esp, play.

OBMM Install
Create the OMOD (Do this section only once)
1. Copy archive to temporary folder.
2. Start Oblivion Mod Manager.
3. Click the "Create" button.
4. Click the "Add Archive" button, find and select the archive, then click Ok.
5. Click the "Create omod" button. Click "Yes" to import omod data.
6. Click "OK" when it finishes.

Install the mod using OBMM
1. Start Oblivion Mod Manager.
2. Double-click the name of the mod in the right-hand side of the OBMM screen.
(icon should turn blue)

BAIN Install
1. Copy the archive to (install folder)\Obilivion\Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers\
2. Start Wrye Bash and click on the Installers tab.
3. In the Esp/m Filter window, the esp should be checked. If not, check it.
4. In the Packages window, right click on the Archive and select install.
5. Right click the Bashed Patch and select Rebuild.
(You shouldn't need to rebuild because of this mod, but it's a good practice.)
6. Click OK

Manual Uninstall
1. Delete the files associated with this mod from the Oblivion\Data folder.

OBMM Uninstall
Install the mod using OBMM
1. Start Oblivion Mod Manager.
2. Double-click the name of the mod in the right-hand side of the OBMM screen
(icon should turn green).
3. Close OBMM.

BAIN Uninstall
1. Start Wrye Bash
2. Click on the Installers tab.
3. Right click on the Archive and select Uninstall.
4. Right click the Bashed Patch and select Rebuild.
(You shouldn't need to rebuild because of this mod, but it's a good practice.)
5. Click OK.

Incompatibilities / Known Issues
This mod requires OBSE v18b2 or higher due to the way OBSE stores game data.
If you do not have the proper OBSE version, this mod will not work. Upgrade
OBSE or do not use this mod.

If you train immediately on loading, the script may not have time to initialze.
Wait a few moments or expect the book on the NEXT training session.

V1.1 2010/07/11 - Name change.
v1.0 2010/07/10 - Initial release.

You can find me on the official Elder Scrolls forums as 'Aellis'

Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.
Thanks to TESNexus for hosting the many mods of Morrowind and Oblivion.

Tools Used
UESPWiki - http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion
Oblivion Mod Manager - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097
TES Construction Set - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11367
TES4Edit - http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11536
Readme Generator - http://lhammonds.game-host.org/obmm/tools_readme_generator1.asp

You can do whatever you want with this mod. Use it as you see fit.
Do so at your own risk. If you use this work in your own public mod, please
remember to give credit where credit is due.

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Daniel Brown
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Post » Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:25 am

So basically http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Trainers in game?
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sarah taylor
Posts: 3490
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:36 pm

Post » Fri Nov 19, 2010 8:39 pm

So basically http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Trainers in game?


But I didn't copy and paste. Though I did paraphase a lot.
I didn't include completely detailed instructions, just sort of specific generalities.
(As though that makes sense...)
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Annick Charron
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