The Adventurers bounty.

Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:12 am

I am making a new character, Walks-with-stone, and he needs directions! You can tell him where valuable things are, and you can also tell him "there are some things up around point X, kill them and you get 100gold."

So, you post something here that Walks-with-stone can do, and I may or may not record some and put them on Youtube.

All commands must be vanilla Oblivion, nothing relating to mods. (you are allowed to refer to any of the DLC, SI, or KotN)

EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention, he is an Argonian with a strong sense of nationality.
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:35 am

Okay, we are ready for the first command, WWS currently has,

ITEMS: Commoners clothes, an apple, and 163 gold. He has no weapon, so your post must take this into account.

LOCATION: The Inn in Anvil.

CURRENT SITUATION: None, he is waiting for something to do.
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emily grieve
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:51 am

ok first thing :P
go to skingrad and stop at the camps between kvatch and skingrad then you will find some weapons and armor and you can sell that when you arrave :D

(so we tell you something to do and you do it.... right?)
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gary lee
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:03 am

ok first thing :P
go to skingrad and stop at the camps between kvatch and skingrad then you will find some weapons and armor and you can sell that when you arrave :D

(so we tell you something to do and you do it.... right?)

I think we should be a little more specific.

Go to the weapon shop and buy an iron longsword and shield, buy some leather armour if you have enough money left over.
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:20 pm

Go to Skingrad and kill that wood elf Glathir for cheating on Brathel. I saw that little no good piece of garabage looking at another women and following her while Brathel was talking to a guard. 200 gold if you kill him very slowly and tell him that it is for cheating. 100 gold if you can get someone else to kill that little no good puck Glathir for WWS. 300 gold if you can get Glarthir to attack first without harming innocent people. Brathel would kill him but she was badly injured fighting a wolf and hopes he can change. So this mission must leave no evidence that I am hiring you. The priest inside of the temple will be holding the reward but you must supply proof in giving him the a ring that Brathel gave Glathir as proof of the deed. Should you get caught I will have no knowledge of this mission should WWS accept it.

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Taylah Haines
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:26 am

Go to Skingrad and kill that wood elf Glathir for cheating on Brathel. I saw that little no good piece of garabage looking at another women and following her while Brathel was talking to a guard. 200 gold if you kill him very slowly and tell him that it is for cheating. 100 gold if you can get someone else to kill that little no good puck Glathir for WWS. 300 gold if you can get Glarthir to attack first without harming innocent people. Brathel would kill him but she was badly injured fighting a wolf and hopes he can change. So this mission must leave no evidence that I am hiring you. The priest inside of the temple will be holding the reward but you must supply proof in giving him the a ring that Brathel gave Glathir as proof of the deed. Should you get caught I will have no knowledge of this mission should WWS accept it.

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Consider it done!
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:21 am

/double post
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