Anyone know of a console command that will let me restart the quest because ive ran into something off a problem.
An by problem i mean a nuisance, A pest a pain in my current characters continuation because the problem is a dwemer something or other kinda looks like a charus hunter but dwemer an no matter what i do it just wont die.
I've tried various spells ive even tried reloading to a save before i started the quest but yet the same thing happens an ive even tried the kill console command but it dont do anything.
An the last thing i want is to have to restart because off one stupid damn problem after all the only thing i need to do to move the quest along is to talk to Katria an tell her i have the shard but nope shes in an eternal fight that just wont stop even when i turn the ai off.
I need help that doesnt come in the form of start a new game because im so infuriated with this happening everytime that ill just end up uninstalling the game an sticking to my 360 version instead.