Tamriel is in chaos. A deathly plague has swept the land, rauaging the people and animals alike. Cities ravaged, and half of the planets population has been anhilated. Monsters and guards, beasts and adventurers, none were spared from the plagues grasp. The epidemic peaked, and is now almost gone, with jsut a few rare cases here and there. People who appear to have symptoms are killed on sight, their bodies burned and disposed of. Cyrodiil was the worst hit, and even the Ipeirial City is now abandoned. Anvil and Bruma are the last cities with a meager population, and food is scarce. People dare not step foot outside of the walls, for once you are out, you can not come back. Food and water are in desperate need, and crime has spiked. We begin in Anvil, the new capital of Cyrodiil.
Symptoms of the plague
-Swelling of the cheeks and lips
-Aching and development of rash on limbs.
-Uncontrolable bleeding from the eyes/mouth(not this only occurs at the peak of infection)
-Loss of hair
-Rotting and falling of of toe/fingernails
-No matter how minor, it results in death
-You are a peasent or a guard. Those are your choices.
-If you leave the city, you are damned.
-There is still a chance of getting the plague.
-You own a house.
-Food is scarce, remember
-Killing is allowed, but not of other peoples chars.
-Crime rate is high, so burgurlary is fine
-No whining if you die
Char. Sheet
Occupation: (if you are guard, you choose night shift or day shift)
Short physical description:
Short Bio: