And let's not forget about the amount you must pay. So you are told to give £10, but only £3 if you throw water on yourself (fantastic in places like California, where there is an on-going drought). What everybody who is posting videos of themselves getting iced up is basically doing, is telling their entire social circle that they would rather be seen in video being smug than give £7 to charity. Okay, maybe that's not why they do it. Maybe they just think it is a bit of fun. So... they would rather have a bit of fun than donate £7 to charity. You know what? I don't have a problem with that. People can do what they like with their money. Which brings me back to nominating. What makes people think that it is acceptable to coerce somebody into spending their money? Oh but it is for a good cause? Then don't waste water and just donate the full amount!
I am sick of seeing all of these stupid videos on Facebook. My fault for still going on social networking rubbish. I think that this ice bucket challenge has raised awareness of a fundamental fact - Facebook is clearly full of morons, and I need to go on a cull.