» Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:11 am
i've often felt guilty about the time i spend on computer games, and i've tried to quit a couple of times - none of my friends are gamers, they're all socialites, and my girlfriends always dissapprove, but recently i realised how many good memories i have of game worlds, and how easy it is to make myself content and mentally stimulated just by playing a game, and how utterly boring it is trying to watch tv for any length of time in somebody else's company, so i've come to realise that feeling guilty about it is senseless, i will never give up games - it's a young and growing form of entertainment, with potentially a long way to go before it's fully developed - and that's exciting.
i consider myself lucky to have it as an outlet, as a means of escape,
it's only a waste of time if you're not having fun.