[RELz] The Amusemant Park of Cyrodiil Full

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:00 pm

Ever wanted a rollercoaster in Cyrodiil? Check my latest post(s) for more information!

NOTE: There is a slight problem with the audio for Isla Horste and Slaughter the Slaughterfish. I plan to fix this, but for now, you might want to use a voice extender to help you read the text from these characters. I apologize for this. Also, for those of you who dl the previous version, you will have to download this entire version and replace the old esp. However, keep the math functions esm.

Releases/Updates (All listed files are seperate downloads from the actual file)

Released Releases/Expansions:

The Tale of Captain Redtooth Update: Makes the boat automatic. Clutters up the ride, and changes the lighting to reflect a darker atmosphere. Resembles better Disney's ride.

Upcoming Releases:

Planned Releases (All Planned Releases have the current work stage and the % work done next to them):

The [Unamed] Hotel: Thanks to my brother. The park will hopefully soon have a true hotel, with multiple floors, a pool, and a small cafe. (Planning 0%)

The Ayleid Explorer: Cyrodiil's first rollercoaster. (Pre-Planning 0%)

Zurx's Provincial Exchange: Not many details on this project yet. It will be based off the Epcot idea of a world showcase. You'll find a small part of the provinces of Tamriel in this large attraction. (Planning/Building 5%)


OBSE is REQUIRED for The Famous Battles Ride! However, the rest of the park will function without it.

DOWNLOAD: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30862

Brief Description (Read if you want to get to dl and playing immediately)

Welcome to the Amusemant Park of Cyrodiil! If you need more info after this brief introduction, please visit the info building located in the Park Exterior ingame.

As Cyrodiil's first Amusemant Park, we pride ourselves on being the very best. Visit one of our NINE original attractions, or try visiting one of our two restaurants or six shops. You can also relax in one of our park areas, buy a snack from a vendor, play a carnival game, or visit our gift shop for souvenirs.

All components are self-explanatory, and those that are not have proper staffing to ensure customer safety and understanding. However, we do have some occasional and sporadic problems with our rides. If you want to know about these problems, navigate to section V of the long description.

Anyway, thank you for reading, and remember, if you run into any trouble with the park, read either the long description, the readme, or the ingame info provided at the info building. Thank you, and have a great time at the park!



Long Description (For those of you who want to know everything about the mod)


I. Install

II. Ride Descriptions and Basic Operating Instructions

III. Ride Problems

IV. Shops, Restaurants, Etc.

V. Glitches and Problems

VI. Credits


Welcome to the Amusemant Park of Cyrodiil! As the creator of the very first amusemant park in Cyrodiil, I'd like to take this time to thank you for downloading this mod.

This complete version includes a bonus "expansion park", whose entrance is located just outside Miniland. This new park adds five more rides, a new carnival game, and several new shops. This version also updates the Haunted Mansion of Skingrad, adds lines to several rides, adds extra gifts to the gift shop, adds another park description to the information building, and fixes several old NPCs.

Please read through the entire read-me or web description. Or, if you're impatient, go to the information building in game. It's located just inside the worldspace (on your right as you enter) in the Park Exterior.
If you have any questions or concerns, PM me or email me at tau434@gmail.com

LOCATION: On an island on the Abeccaan Sea, just south-west of Anvil. You can fast travel there immediately.


Put the esp. and esm. in your Oblivion data folder.

Put the meshes, sound, and textures where they belong (Oblivion\Data)

Put the videos in the video folder under Oblivion\Data


TALE OF CAPTAIN REDTOOTH (Updated): A ride inspired by Disney's The Pirates of the Carribean. When you enter, follow the tunnel until you reach the end. Turn right and head down to the attending staffmember. Talk to him to initialize the ride.

HAUNTED MANSION OF SKINGRAD: A ride inspired by Disney's The Haunted Mansion. This one is also a discreet reference to the famous "Nerastarel's House" in Skingrad. Simply talk to the guide just inside the mansion as you enter. Ask him for a tour. He'll take you on a tour of the mansion. Make sure to keep close to him at all times.

FEARRABBIT'S DAEDRIC FREEFALL TOWER: A ride suggested by FearRabbit, a forum goer on Bethesda Softworks. In this ride, you enter and are teleported to the top of a small Oblivion tower. From here, simply jump off the top level and freefall to the bottom. Don't worry, you WON'T DIE from the fall. Read the RIDE PROBLEMS section for more details.

THE REVENGE OF THE LICH KING: A ride inspired by Disney's Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye. In this you must traverse the ruin until you come to the room with two horses, yellow lighting, and a staffmember standing in the middle. (It has a bunch of furniture all over the place) Talk to the staffmember in the second big room (The one with the horses in it), who will let you on the ride. For this, a horse and cart will do all the work for you; just sit back and relax!

ESCAPE THE CASTLE: This ride comes in two parts. The first part is a walkthrough that tells the story of a castle, a king, and a queen. The second part is a fast-paced, high energy mine ride that takes you through narrow tunnels, down harrowing drops, and into the midst of a pitched battle. A horse and cart is provided for this part; talk to the nearby staffmember upon entering the mines to ride.

THE FAMOUS BATTLES RIDE: A ride inspired by the unfinished Famous Battles mod. Take a boat ride through three different renactments of some of the most famous battles in Cyrodiilic history. From left to right, the battles are: Invasion of Akavir, Sancre Tor, and Red Diamond War
Note: You will have to control the boat using your arrow keys.

ROUGETET'S FLIGHT: Inspired by Disney's Soaring over California. This ride utilizes in-game video technology to take you on a flight across Cyrodiil. From the tranquil docks of Anvil to a fireworks spectacular over the Imperial City, this ride will truly let you soar over the world. To ride the ride, first enter the building, then descend to the basemant. Simply activate the low-res or high-res orb to begin. Thanks to forum goer Rougetet for the idea and technology.

IMPERIAL WILDLIFE RESERVE: A nice wildlife park for you to relax in. You can admire some of the common creatures of Cyrodiil in either a plain or forest enviornment. Also, take a moment to visit the museum (10 A.M. to 10 P.M.), or just sit back and enjoy the view.

IMPERIAL WILDLIFE RESERVE:ISLA HORSTE: In sharp contrast its idyllic counterpart, Isla Horste is home to some of the most dangerous creatures in Cyrodiil. To enter Isla Horste, one must take a parachute ride into the island itself. Talk to the attending staffmember to get the parachute. Once on the island, take time to explore, and then use the teleporter on the far end of the island to get back to the amusemant park. You can also buy the parachute in the gift shop; use it to soar over Cyrodiil.

STOMPER'S MIRROR MAZE: A maze full of mirrors (no they don't reflect). There's really no point, just explore it. Thanks to forum moderator Princess Stomper for the idea.

MINILAND: Walk around and examine the dioramas made by my own brother.

PETTING ZOO: Walk around and examine the animals. There are three chicks, two pigs, a calf, and a sheep. But do try not to let them out.

ASSORTED CARNIVAL GAMES: There are several carnival games you can play. Talk to the attending staffmember for a full description. If you need any help, just PM me or email me and I'll try to help or clarify. Note that the vendors will only talk to you if you have enough money.

III.RIDE PROBLEMS: (Hey, just like real ones, these rides do have occasional problems).

Haunted Mansion of Skingrad:

1.There are certain parts in the ride when a disembodied voice will speak to you. When this happens, DO NOT pull up your inventory, any message boxes, or the wait button. It will cut off the sound.

Tale of Captain Redtooth and The Famous Battles Ride:

1.The non-existent collision on the boat makes for some trouble. After traveling in the boat for several minutes, you'll start to notice that the boat tries to fly out of the cell. When this happens, simply stand up, then sit back down again. Alternatively, you can try to remember to stop before you turn in any direction.

2.The same sound problem happens here. When the music comes on, don't pull up your inventory, press the wait button, or bring up any message boxes. It cuts off the song. (This does not apply to the Famous Battles Ride).

The Revenge of the Lich King and Escape the Castle

1. There seems to be a problem with the ride that leads to a cart that sometimes tips to either side. Don't worry, it doesn't affect anything, but it may lead to annoying wall clippings.

2. Same sound problem as Redtooth and Mansion. Don't bring up inventories, message boxes, or wait buttons when the music starts.

3. Try not to walk through the ride. It messes up certain stuff. It's not anything major, but it can get annoying.

Daedric Freefall Tower:

1. Only one, but significant problem here. The ride is meant so that you jump right from the top to the bottom. However, I haven't placed collision boxes all over the lower levels so a player can descend and then jump off from a lower point. Be warned though; should you jump off multiple times from different points, you may end up confusing the system I have set up and dying from the fall. However, if you accidentely jump onto a far down ledge, you won't die.

The best way to avoid this is to save before trying multiple jumps.

Anyway, there you go. Only the Daedric Freefall Tower and the Pirates have serious problems. The rest are either easily avoided or simply annoying.



Here's a quick walkthrough on how to correctly dine in this fine establishment:

1.As you enter, your table is straight ahead of you; it has a menu on top of it.

2.Sit down on one of chairs next to your table. Or you can stand, if you prefer.

3.Look at the menu. This is EXTREMELY important, so pay attention carefully. You must read the menu (meaning activate it) for the process to continue. And you CANNOT lose this menu!!! And pay close attention to those prices, cuz just like a real restaurant, you can't take it back once you've ordered.

4.Once you've exited the menu (forgive the pun), watch as one of the waiters walks towards your table.

5.You must talk to the waiter; he won't initiate the conversation. Tell him what you want. You must choose a main course and a drink (No skipping).

6.Once you're done, watch as the waiter descends to the basemant and prepares your food. It will take about an hour (game time) for him to come back up, so either use the wait button or just sit back and relax.

7.When the waiter comes back up and walk to your table, you again need to talk to him. He'll give you your food and then ask you to pay. Pay him. If you don't have the money, oh well, you get a 100 gold bounty on your head.

8.To restart the meal, walk back outside and then reenter the premises.

If you follow these rules carefully, you should be fine.


Located outside in the Park Exterior, all three act like normal shops. They close at 8 o'clock. (PM)

GIFT SHOP: Located just inside the park entrance, the gift shop sells a variety of little gifts and souvenirs. Simply treat it like a normal store. Closes at 8 o'clock. (PM)

INFORMATION BUILDING: If you are ever lost, go here and ask the woman behind the counter for information. She'll give you a paper that repeats what's in this readme.


Act like normal inns. The Tiny Mouse costs 10 gold. The hotel costs 30.


1. Sometimes the weather doesn't change outright when you enter the park. Just wait a while and it will change.

2. Some of the voice acting is a little off. Sorry about that.


Hazard and cowl1787 for the horse cart

Li-Hsin Huang for the song Legion's Rally

pale_rider for his pirate gear

mr. siika and the NWJ team for their farm animals

Lady Li, Tchos, and Malo for their snack meshes and textures

Barbarus and Razerwing for the mummy mesh and texture

toutais for his rowboat

Koniption for her palm tree mesh and texture

My brother for Miniland

FearRabbit for his Daedric Freefall Tower idea

Rougetet for Rougetet's Flight idea

Princess Stomper for his Mirror Maze idea

mr. siika for his Dwemer Parachute

Everyone who lended support or encouragment to me during this difficult process.
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Richus Dude
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:18 am

Hey guys,

I wanted to point out that I will not be able to upload teh videos for Rougetet's FLight until April 9th. So until then, please don't ride the ride.

I apologize for this inconvience.

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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:14 am

Finally got the videos for Rougetet's Flight up. Check the linkn and dl the file.

Sorry bout that guys...thanks for holding out.

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Amanda Leis
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:37 am

Heh ... very cool. glad you've got it all sorted. :D
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:55 pm

Thanks Stomper,

In other news, the dialogue problem has not been fixed for the expansion park. Please bare with me while I fix it.

Also, be sure to check out the newest update on the park's status and a chance to contribute your own work: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1086208-wipzrelz-expanding-on-the-amusemant-park-of-cyrodiil/page__p__15834696__fromsearch__1&#entry15834696

Finally, please feel free to speak your mind on anything about the park.


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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:18 am

Ok guys, been a few days, and I like to make a handful of announcements.

1. Like I've said before, with the exception of the Expanding the Park program, I will not be doing anything else in the park.

2. The dialogue problem continues to evade me. Sorry guys, but I'll keep looking at it.

3. Finally, is it just me, or is the long description scaring anyone? I've noticed that my views to dl ratio are disturbingly far apart. Would you prefer it if I just cut to the chase instead of giving the long description, or are you cool with reading about little nuances and glitches?


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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:33 pm

I read it all and I would suggest a "tl;dr" version for people who dont like to read alot. Maybe a quick description before the full one.

Im getting the GoTy in a few days this will definitely be one of my first downloads.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:31 pm

Thanks for the quick response dragoon.

I have fixed the intial post so that players may choose to skip the long description and read the short, three paragraph info. This should help you guys cut to the chase. Thank you!

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emily grieve
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:05 am

Ok guys,

I'm currently working on my (hopefully) final update to the park. I plan to tweak a few things, as well as release a newly done Tale of Captain Redtooth.

Updated Redtooth: The boat will (hopefully) be fully automated and not manually controlled. In addition, the ride will be made darker, with more clutter, and a few, audio surprises.


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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:22 pm

Alright guys, I know you've been wanting this for a long time, and I'm finally happy to reveal it to you: [u]You no longer need to manually control the Tale of Captain Redtooth.[/u]


Well, to go into detail, the boat now runs entirely on its own. It took a bit of work, but I finally got it run smoothly.

There's...only one problem. I'm not an expert when it comes to mathematical functions, and I couldn't fix everything. So, for some reason, the boat is positioned in the water so a quarter of the wood is underwater (meaning there's water in teh boat). I'm currently working to fix this, but in case I can't, it will not affect the ride in anyway (it just looks wierd)

If all goes well, I'll finish tweaking a few things, and then get back to you with an updated release by Fri.

Thank you,

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Lexy Dick
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:04 pm

Ok, so the ride is pretty much done, and I'm proud to say that it's 99% perfect now that the boat is automatic.

Only problem? The music can be accidently stopped if you pull up inventoires, menus, or wait timers (Just like Revenge of the Lich King). Also, I alleviated, but could not fix the glitch that put water in the boat. You might just have to work with it until I can work it out.

What's been added to the ride?

1. An automatic boat that requires no tugging, controllilng, or pushing. Just talk to the staffmember and ask to ride the ride. And, best of all, the collision problem no longer applies!

2. New skeletons thanks to Strotis!

3. Ten times more clutter and darker lighting.

4. A brand new audio clip of Captain Redtooth warning you about "tresspassing in his waters". The echo is pretty cool, in my opinion.

5. A revamped "beginning part" that most of you found boring and monotonous.

Finally, I'll release this on Fri. as a seperate update.


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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:01 am

Hi Kroot9525,

I saw my name in the credits - glad the palm came in handy.

I'm a female, though, not a guy. Not trying to be anol, but just thought I'd let you know.

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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:28 pm

Hi Kroot9525,

I saw my name in the credits - glad the palm came in handy.

I'm a female, though, not a guy. Not trying to be anol, but just thought I'd let you know.


Oh...crap...sorry bout that. I wasn't trying to come off as stereotypical or anything.

Anyway, I fixed it in the credits; thanks or pointing that out, and sorry again.
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jessica breen
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:57 pm

The release/update for Captain Redtooth has finally arrived! Go to the Download page to get it!

What's so great about this download? It takes the manual control off the boat and puts an invisible creature called a Skrall (Invisible Horse). In addition the ride has been made darker, more interesting, and much faster.

You'll even get to hear the voice of Redtooth somewhere in teh ride!

Anyway, thanks, and please enjoy the update!

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Valerie Marie
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:16 pm

Okay, so let me give you a quick teaser of my next (hopefully) and final personal addition to the park. But you guys can still add stuff to the park, check out this link for info: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1086208-wipzrelz-expanding-on-the-amusemant-park-of-cyrodiil/page__p__15834696__fromsearch__1&#entry15834696

The Wrath of Oblivion: You guys are probably thinking: Another Oblivion ride? Far from it. This is actually Oblivion's very first LOG RIDE! Built like Disney's Splash Mountain, the Wrath of Oblivion is a heavily-themed ride that follows the story of a group of innoncent farmers as they accidentely unleash the red tide of Dagon's Chosen. You'll travel past cozy farmhouses, and go down the very first ride-integrated FREEFALL DROP.

There are currently two warnings about this ride. Number one, there won't be a log; it will be a wooden rowboat. (Logs would be too problematic for me). Number two, some of the water will be simply running streams instead of real water. This is because the game doesn't allow multiple leveled water.

Finally, this ride is still a WIP, and may be cancelled at any time. But I'm hopeful that it will be completed.

Oh, and before I forget, do you know what the most popular ride in the park is? REVENGE OF THE LICH KING. Disagree? Cast your vote in the poll!

Thank you for reading,

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Alexander Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:03 pm

Okay, so here's an update for you all on how this is going.

The Wrath of Oblivion is still really in the testing phase. I'm currently working on the drop and the changing elevations of the ride. If anything happens, I'll be sure to mention it.

The hotel is still being planned and drawn, no definite plans there.

Finally, I recently released news on a Disney's Haunted Mansion mod. I'm thinking of maybe just fusing my own Haunted Mansion of Skingrad and the Disney Haunted Mansion into a hybrid of the two. An example? The upstairs mansion may be original, but the downstairs will be more like Disney's ride.

So, anyway, I still haven't made enough progress to post screens or vids. But hopefully, something will happen soon.

Thank you,
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:52 pm

Progress is slow, and will continue to be until summer break begins.

That said, I have more news. Remember how I mentioned perhaps making a hybrid of Disney's Haunted Mansion? I've decided to do it, but in an odd fashion.

When you first activate the front door, you'll get a message asking whether you'd like to go to the "Classic Experience" and "Hybrid Experience".

The "Classic" is the original Haunted Mansion of Skingrad.

The "Hybrid" is a new version of the mansion. You'll travel through something akin to Disney's Haunted Mansion, however, there will be many touches that make it fit more with Oblivion.

Both paths will end at the same graveyard.

So, that will be hopefully a little bit of a new update.

Anyway, everthing else is going fine, so I might be able to put up something interesting soon.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:54 pm

I voted for all of the rides :hehe:

Sorry, I just couldn't help it ^_^. I know that it isn't constructive in any way, but I love this mod, and all the rides are made really well. If I had to choose one then it would probably be Escape the Castle. Congrats on making a great mod. :goodjob:
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Jennifer May
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:54 pm

Thank you for the kind words calzo. It's always great to hear that the community likes the mod.

Uh...updates...not much so far.

I've currently began work on the Hybrid Version. Uh...let's see...crap it's so hard to concetrate with music playing in the background.

Uh...the foyer of the Hybrid has been done. And I'm proud to say that voice of the actual ghost host from Disney will accompany guest throughout at least the first part of the ride. Yeah, anyway, some new pictures will also be introduced from the original attraction.

And, finally, hopefully, I will find a way to make the streching room work. If you have any suggestions on how to do this, please feel free to comment. BTW, I have 0 experience with scripting movement. :D

Anyway, thanks, and please feel free to vote for your fav ride!

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Valerie Marie
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:53 pm

So I've added the expansion/update briefing to the first post.

In other news, I've had some complaints about the long distances between rides. Do you all think the park has a transportation problem? If so, please tell me and I'll try to fix it.

Also, the new Zurx's Provincial Exchange Idea has been unveiled. The idea will be shaped like Disney's Epcot; a quick taste of the various provinces of Tamriel. From Morrowind to Skyrim, you'll be able to sample unique food, buy unique souvenirs, and maybe go on one or two attractions themed to the current province.

However, like all above ideas, the attraction is just an idea, and can be cancelled at any time.


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Chelsea Head
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:00 am

Hey, Kroot, been a while eh? Well, I've just reinstalled Oblivion and have downloaded your mod, however, a lot of the items are replaced with great big yellow diamonds. Thoughts?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:00 pm

Well you probably put the meshes and textures in wrong. Are you running Vista? If UAC is turned on, put them in the compatibility files and it should work fine.

Otherwise, idk dude.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:27 am

Thanks for keeping us so regularly updated on this mod.

I installed and played it some time ago, and I thoroughly loved it, I was running around the park giggling like a little kid at a... you know, an amusemant park :laugh:

Gonna download and install the new rides now, yay!
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:26 pm

Glad to hear it Sajaki!

Well, summer is finally coming up, and I'm proud to reveal the current list of Projects I'm working on. I can really only go into detail on one of them at this time.

The Wrath of Oblivion (Log/Boat Ride)

The [Unamed] Hotel (Full-sized Hotel)

Zurx's Provincial Exchange (Epcot-style provincial exchange)

Zurx's Provincial Exchange: One of my favorite projects so far. I'm proud to announce that I will be building a small expansion similar to Disney's World Exchange at Epcot. Five different provinces from all over Tamriel will make an appearance in one area. Each "province" will consist of two or three buildings; one or two places may even have attractions/rides! You can shop for unique items, dine on cuisine from that specific province, and even look at architecture that matches the province!
The following provinces will be covered:

Cyrodiil (Imperial City)

At this time, only the architecture of Valenwood is not vanilla. This is because Chorrol somewhat resembles Hammerfell, Bruma distinctly matches Skyrim, and Cheydinhal is pretty darn close to Morrowind. I'm also saving on file space as to not overdo the file size.

For now, the current focus is on the IC, Skyrim, and Morrowind. As time progress, I will work on the other two provinces.

Oh, and all provinces will be staffed from races directy from that province. No Imperials in Hammerfell's space!

Anyway, that's it for now, and thank you

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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:13 pm

Hey guys,

Sorry for the wait, school is just throwing one last hurdle at me.

I know I've been promising screenies for a while, and here they are:



Anyway, these two elements will be placed in the new Zurx's Provincial Exchange. And I hope to bring more news soon.

Thank you!

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