OP could you give us a game of which you believe the animations are great. Please dont include games like Crysis since it is apples to oranges as far as content and type. A large open-world game will suffice. I think the animations are greatly improved, but by no means about to set the industry ablaze...
Games like Crysis very much apply, as the practical technology for animations is the same regardless of genre. I can name many in which the animations don't drag the immersion down. In fact, naming a worse animated contemporary game would actually be a challenge. As I previously mentioned, Bethesda's animations are among the worst in the industry. That's not hyperbole. Anyway, some game where the animations are either acceptable to good, and don't have a negative impact on the game: L4D/L4D2, Witcher 2 (not amazing, but not terrible), H-L 2 (had good animations and that was 2006?), the Mass Effect games, Unreal 3, Borderlands, Dragon Age 2 (worse graphics, less stiff animations), and I would count Crysis as well.