Voted yes, as I don't mind them if they have a good story to it, at least for the most part. I play FONV hardcoe and no fast travel. Trying to plan how to accomplish fetch quests and other quests at the same time is how you get around. The "Return to sender" quest I guess would be a stretch if you played it, and only it, sequencially. Looking over other quests, you could try to incorporate those travels as well if they were already enroute. Maybe you'll get updated and new quests that will change your plan even further.
But sure, there were times when I was told to go back to the same locations to *confirm reports* where I just shouted out loud "lend me your bloody radio and I'll be swift on the results you want"

But I combined the Camp Foxtrot run with making the Moto-Runner drug delivery, killing him, ran to Foxtrot, took the shortcut to the Khans, finished the drug run, talked to two of the artists I've met earlier, before I returned with the Camp Foxtrot (and the two others confirmation runs). Sure, it's a lot of running, but trying to get more things done in the same run is part of the fun.