» Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:12 am
BIG difference between fetch quests like the thieves' guild in OB, with a good story, or Lifting the Vale, which is an enjoyable adventure in it's own right, and something like Sacred, fetch a map, kill fifteen wolves, then get ten undead remains or whatever. It's all about the background, the reason for the quest.
In OB you are not just asked to get ten Imp galls, you are asked because the the other guy couldn't be bothered, it fits with the whole storyline, and that makes a helluva difference.
At heart all stories are simple, girl stays in house and get scared, man wants revenge, kid grows up etc. etc., the padding is in a way the important bit, and a few lines of conversation can make a simple fetch/kill something you feel you want to do, and in my opinion, Bethesda are a lot better than some in this regard.