Note: Email me or reply to this if you want me to make a machinima out of the last few episodes."At least now we know where to look for some one that has a plane."
"SHUT UP MILO! You never stop talking and no one cares about what you do say. And no one listens but we still
HEAR it. In the end its all a mad coagulation of thoughtless thought!"
Regahn and Blaire looked at him shocked.
"......what? That wasn't-" "Oh hello Regahn I'm Blaine. You have a pretty [censored] up mind."Note: Oh and Regahn's mind filters out words frowned upon in the Bethesda forums.CHAPTER6:PsychoThe man had no name. As did his parents. They had no use for names or lives with what they where doing. But never did any of them wonder
why they where doing it. They never thought for themselves, they just knew what they where ordered to do. Orders left on the megacomputer's memory. They never questioned who they where from. The namless people where humans. And its not in human nature to question.
He was the last one left. He had turned mostly bald at that point. So he just sat there in the dark, staring into the computer screen code named: WDYTR.
This was the only computer screen that ever turned on. All the others where either smashed, turned off, or just not mentioned in the orders.
He knew only to watch every thing through the eyes of this person and record every thing that he did.
WDYTR then did something the namless man didn't expect. He poisoned himself.
"Stop him Milo!
Stop him!"
"Regahn what the hell is wrong with you this time?!" Milo yelled at Regahn as he began atttempting to gouge his eyes out with his own finger nails.
"You can't kill me! I'm INVENCIBAL!" Blaine screamed and threw Regahn off of the bridge they where traveling over.
Milo and Blaire still didn't know what was happening to Regahn. They only saw him seemingly attempt to brutalise himself repeatedly.
Regahn attempted to swim upwards out of the river he had been thrown into while Blaine attempted to drown him.
Regahn then started slicing at his leg with a strieght razor he found burried in a mole rat.
"Oh, [censored] your crazy!"Bliane yelled in pain.
Milo, seeing Regahn had been under for almost ten minutes and there was a massive amount of blood in the water, decided it was a good time to save him.
He jumped into the unnatrualy warm irradiated water and pulled Regahn onto a rock.
"What the hell? Don't save us!" Blaine yelled at him and pushed him into the water.
"I'm sorry!" Regahn said and attempted to pull Milo back up. Regahn had already tore his trench coat in half and was using one half to stop the massive amount of blood coming from his leg.
Blaine pushed them back onto the rock and bashed Regahn's head into the rock.
The both disely fell back into the water onto Milo who was attempting to swim back to the surface.
Regahn's Journal 4/9/98
Annnnnd I just developed Split personality disorder. I remeber reading about this only once. Apparently its so rare that most humans didn't think it existed. But it makes scence for me to have it. I believe it is caused when the brain undergoes so much stress it developes something that it needs to survive. Which is ironic because we keep attempting to kill each other. This may be because of the restraints set by the chip in my brain stem. Or maybe I don't have it at all and I was just expected to come to that conclusion for- So, Annie Are You OK
Are You OK, Annie
Annie Are You OK?
SHUT IT! I hate this because it interfiers with thinking.
Milo and Blaire are confused and worried about it. I'm more worried about being able to record every single detail of every day before my memory blanks.
Maybe it will turn out to be helpful if it is SPD. The truth is that all we really know is You've Been Hit By
You've Been Struck By -
A Smooth Criminal
Ya, I can't stand this. [i]Come back strong with fifty belly dancers!