well new vegas isn't nearly as good as FO3 game ratings even show that,
Ah, come one man, we've already been over this one?

Just because "A" says it's good does not mean it's a common fact. This kind of logic is called "Argument from authority".
Also, you seem to have a bad habit of thinking that you "speak for the majority" which you
don't in fact. Just sayin'
Allright, let's stick to the topic:
Fallout 1
PROS: Story, atmosphere, subtle black humour, characters like the Master or Lou, nice and fitting weapons, stylish 2D animations and l33Tzors death scenes
CONS: Sometimes bugs, non-pushable companions, time-limit, could be hard for a newcomer
Fallout 2
PROS: Pretty much everything from above, just 3x more bigger, even better and diverse companions(you can push 'em away now, weeeeeeeee), M72 Gauss Rifle
CONS: Sometimes the humour goes a bit over the top where it seems like the whole game is a one big Monthy Python show, also sometimes buggy as heck
Fallout Tactics
PROS: My first introduction to the series, Jagged-Alliance like strategy game, story is kinda interesting with the new BoS faction, playable in both realtime or TB, M72 Gauss Rifle and the Gauss Minigun, yummy
CONS: Could be a bit lore breaking with the real life weapons and vehicles, it's kinda linear.
Fallout 3
PROS: Even if Troika or Bioware would do it better, it was a ressurection of the series, VERY well done exploration aspect and gameworld crafting, mods, Liam Neeson
CONS: Crap stereotype good n' evil story that seems to be there just for the sake of.... well, having a story, plotholes, VATS is a god mode, cardboard and comic book one-dimensional characters, crappy writing and dialogue with even more hillarous skill responses, linear as [censored] with this "You gotta join BoS and fight the Dr. Eeeeeeevil Enclave", anti-climatic ending with cheap effects, no proper Fallout epilogue where you see the outcome of your actions (all you get is a karma judgement from R.Pearlman, that is all.), broken karma system where you can butcher an entire city and become a Jesus again by giving a beggar some water, butchered RPG aspects where the SPECIAL is a joke, the [censored] DC and it's inhabitants don't make a lick of sense in the end if you start digging a bit deep in its logic or consistency, some later patch broke the mods support so I am still not sure if it's already fixed
Fallout New Vegas
PROS: Return to the original roots(well, mostly. It's not perfect but it's a start.), good non-black and white story which some deem as 'linear' when in fact it's pretty much 666x times diverse, unique and better than the F3 railroaded train wreck. Also, the main thing: You have a choice, show me F3 having this. Next is superior dialogue and writing, much better world consistency where every faction or place has some logical explanation(Goodsprings, hell it's even in the name), GREAT characters and companions with their unique personalities and personal quests, karma actually seems to be less broken now, different factions, more weapons where even some of the old stuff makes a comeback, better gameplay mechanics (VATS is no longer a god mode, you also can't stack the Stimpacks, damage threhold is back so until level 25 you will still get torn to pieces by Deathclaws if you aren't equipped enough) and RPG aspects, hardcoe mode, Iron Sights, mods.
CONS: No random encounters, sandbox feel is gone, boarded-up buildings, Obsidian buggy, the whole game seems to be too NCR biased,
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (whops, I said it :touched: )
PROS: Errm.... that chick on the artwork has a nice rack?
CONS: .................
I don't see anything wrong with an open world. Open dynamic world, heavy RPG mechanics and good writing are not mutually exclusive. So it's not really about "open versus not-so-open world". An average Bethesda fan like you is, in the end, happy with everythign Bethesda puts out, Fallout fanbase is a bit more demanding. I don't see why Beth shouldn't try to cater it too while catering to its "own", you may not care what they do as long as they do "X", but neglecting an existing fanbase of a franchise is just losing money in the end.
I agree with ya(pleasing both fanbases wouldn't be that hard if Todd and Emil wanted to :shrug: ). A toast to that! :celebration: