I like your Finnish attitude.

It gets more attention than the "They all have their strengths" line :hehe:
No, we are demanding isometric view and turn-based combat from a developer who bought a game series that has always had isometric view and turn-based combat, is that so unreasonable?
Seeing as Bethesda has never done something like that, yes, a bit

I see what you are saying, but open world sandbox games are what Bethesda does best, and i guess they wanted to play it safe with Fallout. Afterall their goal is to make profit, and if you have a risky method and a guaranteed method...
I'd be perfectly fine with a NWN or Dragon age style of view. You know full 3d rotatable and zoomable
What I really want is player and character separation, over any view nuances.
Had EA won the bid, that might've happened :shrug: And agreed on the second sentence, but if anything Bethesda seems to be giving constantly a bigger focus on player skill over character skill :shrug: (Though Morrowinds battle system was IMHO stupid
