Slings-His-Knives sat back down in time for Lucien to speak out. it was the time of night Slings-His-Knives was looking forward to. Learn about his companions and there use of tatics.
I shall have to speak first, to get everybody going."I have a story," He spoke allowed, asif answering Lucien, but speaking generally to anybody who was bothering to listen. "I remember it like yesterday, a very exciting day."
"I was 14 years of age, and the chief had just notice my use as a scout. I was sent on a simple mission, with a more senior scout. He was very skilled, and watched my back for me. He supplied me withmy first equipment. Three daggers and a longsword. I had them hid at various places around my body. Up my left sleeve, in my right boot, and one straqed to my left upper thigh, for emergencies.
"I was given my horse, Walks-On-Air," He motioned to his horse, tied to the tree "And I followed my senior everywhere, trying to learn everything i could. So as we walked up an old abandoned road, where we would set up a camp while we did or reconassiance mission. A bandit camp was spotted up ahead, so my senior stopped me dead. Webacktracked to a safe place, and tied the horses up.
"We walked back, quietly. Senior let me stay back, and watch him in action. He stayed in ym vision at all time. I watched him approach the camp from the trees. He came back after studying it for a few minutes. 'Okay,' He said 'There is three at the camp right now, but I'm sure there are others. When we have cleared it, we can inhabit it for oursleves, as it is set up nicley.' I nodded to him, to encourage him to continue the story 'So follow me to the camp, and be careful of fallen twigs on the ground. Anyway, when i let loose the first arrow, I shall watch the road, and its up to you to finish the other two bandits. I'm sure your a capable swordsman, most people in our clan are.'
"I nodded, and then followed him around the back of the camp, and he drew his bow. He let loose the arrown, and it hit a Kahjiit in the neck. He collapsed, coughing and spurting blood everywhere. I emerged from the tree to see an orc and reguard. The orc advanced on me first. I reached for my longsword at my side, but it was jammed. I slammed my boot into the orc's chest. and grabbed the handle of the longsword with both hands, and ripped it out. As it came out at such great speed, I swung it round, and it cut the Orc's head clean off. I pushed his body over with the foot i had jammed into his stomach, and watched him drop.
"The redguard moved forward, and so did I. I drew my sword in the air, and slammed it hard down onto the redguard's sword, which he had raised to block my attack. I lifted it back up, and slammed it down again, and again. I placed my boot into his stomache, making him recoil. I switched hands with the sword, so i was now using it left-handed. I reached into my boot and pulled my dagger out. I kept swinging with my sword, aiming for his legs, making him weave and jump. I made precise stabs with my dagger, but the redguard blocked them all. I slid my sword along the floor, aiming for his foot. 'Why won't you die!?' I yelled at him. The redguard paniced. I threw my sword at him, which made him step back. I lifted my arm in the air, and slammed it towards the earth. The dagger flew out, and i grabbed it with my hand. I swirled the blades in ym hand for a while, before i got into a stance i liked. I leapt at the reguard, slashing as quickly as i could, stabbing at every opening. Before long, the redguard had toppled over, gasping for death. I dropped the dagger in my right hand, and knealt down behind him. I lifted his head, and drew my dagger to his throat. I slit it, without a chance for him to speak.
"So the rest is, everything just went to plan, and that was one of the most exciting fights of my life."
Slings-His-Knives looked down, and started downing his mead, not looking at anyone else. He just hoped he'd get them in the mood for stories.